Saphira now redoubled her efforts to please byzil. _"oooh, harder, please!" _moaned byzil. saphira was now ramming her fingers as delicately as she could to not hurt byzil.
Dragon, Fanfiction, Inheritance Cycle, Lesbian, Mating, NSFW, Saphira, Scalie, Sex, Yiff, byzil
byzil shook saphira with her fore-legs to wake her up from her fitful nightmare. saphira inhaled sharply and her neck bolted upright. byzil noticed that saphira's eyes were glinting from tears.
"byzil!" saphira gasped as she embraced byzil.
Dragon, Fanfiction, Inheritance Cycle, Lesbian, Mating, NSFW, Saphira, Scalie, Sex, Yiff, byzil
_ saphira broke her trance and moved in, positioning her vagina right over top of byzil's white snout, and putting her face between byzil's rear legs. saphira could smell byzil's scent again, and inhaled deeply.
Dragon, Fanfiction, Inheritance Cycle, Lesbian, Mating, NSFW, Romance, Saphira, Scalie, Sex, Yiff, byzil
Saphira felt so relieved, she embraced byzil and locked mouths with her, moving her tongue into byzil's mouth.
Dragon, Fanfiction, Inheritance Cycle, Lesbian, Mating, NSFW, Saphira, Scalie, Sex, Yiff, byzil
Saphira grabbed byzil's foot and began to lick it with her rough tongue. byzil did the same to fulfill saphira's lustful passion.
Dragon, Fanfiction, Inheritance Cycle, Lesbian, Mating, NSFW, Saphira, Scalie, Sex, Yiff, byzil
Saphira knew byzil was close so she quickly took a breath of air and put her head back down to byzil's vagina to shove her tongue deep into byzil, tasting her richest juices. saphira could feel the warmth of byzil's inner body embrace her tongue.
Bathing, Dragon, Fanfiction, Firnen, Inheritance Cycle, Lesbian, Mating, NSFW, Saphira, Scalie, Sex, Yiff, byzil
He watched as byzil then positioned her sacred region over saphira's snout. saphira grabbed byzil's hips and shoved her tongue into byzil's vagina. byzil released a roar as she was pleased.
Bisexual, Dragon, Eragon, Fanfiction, Human, Inheritance Cycle, Lesbian, Mating, Saphira, Sex, Yiff, byzil
I also do not own the character byzil; byzil does.**
**\*rated m for sexual actions.
Dragon, Fanfiction, Inheritance Cycle, Lesbian, Mating, NSFW, Saphira, Scalie, Sex, Yiff, byzil