Therian's - A Case Study - Part one - Odocoileus virginianus (Whitetail Deer)

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of Therian Case Study

This is a fictional representation of a small collection of material to explain the fictional race of Therian that I use in some of my tales.

Therian's - A Case Study

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

8thSeptember, 2021

All Rights Reserved.

*Authors Notes : This is more an idea, to standardise their kind in any tales I write about these fictional creatures, to ensure conformity within the universe in which they inhabit - aka, my imagination. It is in no way meant to be a definitive document, just how I personally envision them, their attitudes, appearances and mannerisms.

Therian's aren't specifically limited to a specific species. For sake of simplicity, I shall break them down to the common most I personally frequently reference is my literary works.

Part One - Various Species of Therian

Odocoileus virginianus(Whitetail Deer)

These are the most numerous and common of the Therian types. If their feral forms, they are (at range) identical to their common woodland counterparts, from size and weight, through to appearance and fur colouration/markings.

Pure-blood's are those who are born to both a Therian Buck and Therian Doe. From adolescence, the Therian can change at will, from Feral, to Anthropomorphic to Human form - yet this isn't without extreme pain and suffering, so not something they lightly choose to do.

Half-blood are those of human stock and Therian Buck or Doe crossbreeding. Whilst not specifically forbidden nor condoned, it has been known to happen.

(Example: a human man impregnated a Therian Doe, her offspring would be half-blood Therian)

A Therian Buck impregnated a human woman, then there is a 50/50 chance of a normal human child, or a Therian offspring. (Either way the Buck will watch over the woman until the offspring is born, if it is half-blood, the woman will be offered a choice to surrender her offspring (she is financially compensated by the Therian's through untraceable means), or offered to join their herd.


These Therian's are generally considered and predisposed to kindness, gentleness of heart and spirit, trusting and curious of nature. They live in both large and small familial/related herds, willing to help each other and watch over their combined offspring.

Very few humans have managed to form long-term bonds with these creatures, but those who have either done the Therian's a great service (such as saving their life, rescuing a fawn, something similar), they are given free range to come and go as they please and are welcomed and treated as full blood members of the herd to which they belong, or outside of this herd, they are granted respect and polite company.

They know their preferred forest homelands intimately, often remaining in their feral like forms so as to watch those who trespass and judge them according to their actions. Most times, they will be led away by one in its human form, who will take them to safety (if they're lost, for example), those who trespass with intent to harm these usually peaceful creatures - some may be hunted in turn and injured but live, but harm one of them, then their sweet, gentle natures are wiped away and the one who brought harm to their forest or their people - will never be seen again...

Whilst for the most part, they are kind, gentle, sweet natured creatures, they're not afraid to fight even to the death against a valid threat, using either their natural weaponry (be that antlers and hooves) or they've been known in human and anthropomorphic form, to employ rifles and similar weapons.

A small percentage of them have forsaken their oaths and promises and have turned dark and evil. These ones actively hunt and consume humans, who they view as sport and playthings - subjecting their captured humans to all kinds of horrific physical and emotional torture, before finally growing bored with them or just hungry.

Those who have turned are actively hunted by any member of that species, who will show them no mercy. They will kill them as quickly and compassionately as they can, usually, well out of range of where humans may discover this.


In their feral forms, they are perfectly indistinct to their wild relatives. They are unmistakable in colouration, markings, appearance and musculature. It is only if very closely examined via the mouth or bodily fluids can the differences be noted. Naturally, a Therian will _not_submit to a Veterinary check for fear of revealing their true selves.

In human form, they are of slightly over-average height, thinner than most humans and have an easy going, almost curious and extroverted nature. Whilst they vary in emotional state and temperament, like any creature, for the most part, they pass amongst humanity without anyone being the wiser.

In their (rarely used), Anthropomorphic forms, they appear human-like with animal characteristics, such as muzzles, tails and cloven hooves, fur covered bodies and small nails on their five fingers.


They are very open about their sexuality, having no hang ups about strictly buck and doe relationships, as two buck's or two does could be partners and still raise the offspring, none of them would think any different.

Male's mature at two human years of age, whilst females mature more slowly at five human years.

Most do not breed until their fourth year for males, or their sixth year for females. Whilst males can produce viable sperm in any form, females can only conceive in their feral-like forms, for which they shall remain until the birth of their fawns, which are born exactly like their wild counterparts - most does having twins and in rare cases, triplets have been born.

When born, the offspring are animal like in appearance, indistinguishable from their wild counterparts, yet grow at twice the rate. When they reach pubescence (three for males, five for females), they then develop their ability to transform from animal to human.

Societal Structure

Most 'herds' are ruled over by the eldest female and second in charge is the eldest male of their species. Whilst they don't enforce their will on their members, who for the most part, get along with each other perfectly, any disagreements and disputes are usually handled peacefully and respectfully.

All contribute towards the protection and raising of the juveniles from puberty until adulthood, the offspring raised solely by their parents until such time.

When a young adolescent becomes a mature adult, they undergo a special ritual whereas the rights, privileges and expectations of their people are imprinted on them and they're welcomed into the herd.

Most young bachelor bucks will stay in the herd for a year or two after adulthood, yet eventually leave to join other herds, whilst they retain close friend/familial bonds with their own herd, this ensures a wide genetic dispersal amongst their kind.


Most are omnivorous, eating berries, leaves, grains and other plants, whilst small herds of cattle and sheep are usually kept and slaughtered when necessary (humanely), when the need for meat is required.

They can eat any human food, and have a fondness when amongst human society, to partake of a wide variety of various food from different cultures.

Only those who have turned are the most despised of their kind, for these ones thrive on hunting and eating humans almost exclusively. It is for this crime, they are actively hunted by the Therian's and killed.


Their fawns, whilst well guarded by all members of a herd, can still be taken by wild animals. However, their greatest threat, comes not from wild animals, but a group of humans who centuries ago, discovered these 'beasts' as they refer to them and have made it their personal mission to hunt down and annihilate the entire Therian race, be they Buck, Doe or even Fawn.

A blood-feud has existed between the Therian's and the 'Hunters' as they Therian's refer to them, for over a thousand years. Once, the Therian's _did_prey on humanity, but for the past eight hundred years, they put their savage, cruel and predatory nature behind them.

Whilst they can kill humans, it is only for self-preservation of themselves and their offspring (only as a last measure, once methods to drive away the humans have failed), but they will show no mercy to the humans who have allied themselves to the 'Hunters' who seek their annihilation.

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