Alexander Stats
(i.e wow,gw2 etc) **base stats** strength (physical strength): 920,842 (able to lift up to nine tons) dexterity (flexibility/combat effectiveness): 1,050,001 (highly unpredictable;unpredictability at a base rating of 9) intelligence (self-explanatory)
A warming mission
I remembered that my first stories i ever made, were actually charr stories, as i played gw2 for the first time.
GW2 Fan Fiction: An Engineering Stretch
#3 of gw2 fan fics should be the last one for a bit :o maybe....maybe not >.> gw2 fan fiction: an engineering stretch within the blazeridge steppes there was a great creature named, the shatterer.
GW2 Fan Fiction: A Cartographer's Love
#5 of gw2 fan fics for a friend over on tumblr. characters belong to her. gw2 fan fiction: a cartographer's love dredgehaunt cliffs, a mountainous region covered in snow and black smoke.
GW2 Fan Fiction: The Flame's Pull
#4 of gw2 fan fics for a friend from tumblr and gw2. they wanted their character destroyed by charr <3. tar and ash. that was all mizzy could smell.
GW2 Fan Fiction: Inquest Mesmorized
#2 of gw2 fan fics the next one will probably be much sweeter than this, but for now, have a dark gw2 fan fic <3. pelli had been given an important mission to discover what the fools in rata sum were doing associating with the, "pact".
GW2 Fan Fiction: A Weak Peacekeeper
#6 of gw2 fan fics something short and sweet before i go on thursday for a lil trip. gw2 fan fiction: a weak peacekeeper an asura armored in heavy plate festooned with blue gems stood at the center of rata sum near the council portal.
Warrick's Tale part 1-1
Snowblind Peaks in Gendarran Fields was home to Vollyum's Battle Pit. Many people came to the battle pit to test their strength. While others came to compete for money or glory. All are welcome at the battle pit though. "Are you ready to see some...
Warrick's Tale part 0
(Warrick) I can't fucking believe this. After all my years of service to the High Legions, this is my reward. "I'm being discharged?" Maybe Smodur grabbed the wrong papers. That had to be it. They wouldn't kick me out of...
Blind Lane
I mean, gw2 is a rather popular game, but i don't know how many of my viewers/viewers on this site actually play/know it well. with this piece, i tried not to rely too much on the lore or game world too much.
Warrick's Tale part 0
It took all Warrick's will power to appear calm on the outside. While on the inside a storm of emotions raged. Denial, 'This must be a joke, they can't be doing this to me.' Sadness, 'They're doing it.' Anger, 'I was a loyal soldier how dare they do...
GW2 Fan Fic: Catastrophic Success
gw2 fan fic: catastrophic success asura of the inquest were a xenophobic sort with plans to take power for themselves in both their own race, and the rest of tyria.