Chapter 3 - There's the World and Then There's the Otter
I am ready. So ready. Ready to climb out of the pit that is high school and then run away screaming; "I did it, suckers!" and then leave them all in the dust. Even I...
Angst, Anthro, Anthropomorphic, Bunny, Comedy, Deer, Drama, German Shepherd, High School, Hyena, Indiemusic, Lgbt-themed, Lgbtcharacters, Orginalfiction, Otter, Relatable, Tragedy, lgbt, original, representation
Chapter 1 - Intro
"You saved me one, right?"
Suddenly, my lips were curling into a smile. Here came a familiar german shepherd, wearing a ratty old grey t-shirt with its sleeves haphazardly cut off. The hole in the knee of his...
Anthro, Anthropomorphic, Bunny, Comedy, Deer, Drama, Firstoriginalwork, German Shepherd, Highschool, Hyena, Indiemusic, Lgbt-themed, Lgbtchracters, Originalcharacters, Otter, Realistic, Relatable, Romance, Tragedy, lgbt, representation
Chapter 2 - Seventeen
I want to be young forever. I know that's too much to ask and it always will be, but life couldn't be any better right now. Nick actually hung out with me for once, which was good. I feel like it was good. My...
Anthro, Anthropomorphic, Bunny, Comedy, Deer, Drama, German Shepherd, High School, Hyena, Indiemusic, Lgbt-themed, Lgbtcharacters, Orginalfiction, Otter, Realistic, Relatable, Romance, Siblings, Tragedy, lgbt, original, representation