Hypnovember - Day 5: Eyes
A peculiar type of feline, japts self-described himself as a "space cat".
Flip a coin!
He never considered japts was behind those thoughts. of course the cat living inside him wouldn't whisper those ideas to him. it never occurred to teryx japts had ill intentions.
Hypnovember - Day 14: Slime/Goo
japts expected parties and one-night stands leaving his apartment the next morning. but nothing of that happened in the dragon's life--and if it did, japts had to recognize him for keeping it a secret from him.
[Profe_Lambert] Goo and Resistance
japts expected parties and one-night stands leaving his apartment the next morning. but nothing of that happened in the dragon's life--and if it did, japts had to recognize him for keeping it a secret from him.