Dinosaurs: The After Years - Counterattack
A mighty megalosaurus if she had ever seen one. a huntress who could run down and devour the most swift and stubborn of mammals. the only thing wrong with this picture was...
Dinosaurs: The After Years - Thorny and Horny
Size-play had always been his kink, and though pearl was as fine a megalosaurus woman as any could hope for... she certainly fit the bill as the small one. pearl sighed with a smile as she remembered him taking her every way he could.
Die Dinos - Charlenes Verhängnis
Keiner unter achtzehn darf auch nur ein Auge auf diese Zeilen werfen, klar soweit? Allen anderen wünsche ich viel Vergnügen, und mich würde auch eine Meinung dazu interessieren. Die Dinos - Charlenes Verhängnis "Oh, ja Süße!" keuchte...
*Cub* Charlene's Purse - 2016
Richfield watched earl's face while the dim megalosaurus tried to figure out what was going on. he ignored the inexperienced girl at first and just loved the idea of having her down there while he humiliated her father.