Tabby Gets Lost
He glared at the phantump playing with her pussy, who moved back to holding her arm down dejectedly.
“Ghost Pokémon and Curiosity” - A Pokémon Go! Creepypasta
The next day after work, i went back to the area to see if i can find anymore phantumps.
Pokemon MD: Mirrors of Fate - Chapter One
A phantump it seemed. it's body was smoky and dark while it's head was a tree stump. i was glad i knew a lot about pokemon. "yes phantump?" the older pokemon asked.. "you said there were a dozen flags, but there's only eleven of us."
A New World, A New Journey Chapter 9
So far, thumper lost against her shiny phantump named peppermint and kitsune seems to win the battle against the shiny tailow named ace. and here it is. "kitsune! flamethrower!" called calem and kitsune hit ace with the flamethrower, knocking him out.
A New World, A New Journey Chapter 8
There were a shiny frogadier, a larvesta, a shiny phantump and a shiny tailow. "are you f\*\*\*\*\*\* kidding me?!" i said out loud from inside my pokeball as i couldn't believe what i saw there.