The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 8

rheuhl grumbled, watching the immortal leave. then rheuhl became aware of the fox's presence. barda had finished his long hike, though it had taken the better part of a day, and he was exhausted.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 28

Chapter 28: the sorcerer the immortal spread beneath the waves like a spilled blot of ink, rheuhl stretching out and out and out...

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The Wolves of Gryning: A Vixen's Tale Pt. II

But he opened himself up to powers that he should not have come near, and the stories i have told you about the god kethke, or the immortals rheuhl and yhlamora are not fairy tales.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 7

"rheuhl," she said, and felt herself shrivel inside. "the one who blinds. flame bless me, lead me to al-valar." "perhaps meeting me is al-valar," said rheuhl, the immortal. "did you not believe in me?

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 11

"rheuhl," vacka said, and tensed. he knew it was true. rheuhl was the one only spoken of in sermons and nightmares. but that rheuhl had been a thing of fiction, a metaphor to represent evil. was it possible that this thing was real?

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 21

rheuhl had, he suspected, left the detail out quite intentionally. but rheuhl did not show its face, did not come to express sorrow or to explain. vacka was now truly alone.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 29

Vacka remembered the memory rheuhl had forced into his head. he saw the face of his mother's killer, so similar to the face of that girl he'd met. she was supposed to be here too, wasn't she? that was the beast rheuhl had promised to him.

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