Egg Filled Mate

I moved my tail behind yore legs. then i hit the back of yore legs as hard as i can. i hit yore legs but it as more like i taped them. i still tried but all i was doing was rubbing the back of yore legs.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 5

"if you fire arrows usin' the plan you just told us, yore gonna end up slayin' yer own shrews in the process. one of 'em could be yore very own log-a-log. you wanna be responsible fer the death of yore father?"

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 15

"yore shittin' me. you expect me to believe yore gonna stand there and _talk_ to me? as in have a civil conversation?" "unless you want flikk to cut out yore eyeballs now." chester glanced over at the white ferret who was dying to use her knife on him.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 2

yore lucky to be alive, considerin' all that's happened! i oughta slay yer myself fer yore cowardice and leavin' yore mates behind to get slaughtered!" "th-that's not wot 'appened, cap'n!" "i don't need to hear yore excuses!

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 4

'cos yore mean ta me? 'cos you punch me, throw things at me, whack me with yore hammer fer no reason? 'cos you make me lick yore footpaws clean?! i've been nothin' but loyal ta you, rord!

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 3

Seems like yore more than capable of embarrassin' yoreself," trae finally said. rord slammed his hammer down and jerked around, screeching, "shut yore mouth!" "why? you afraid we'll bruise yore precious ego?" "no!

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 6

As shocking as it sounds, i don't believe yore gonna stab me leader in the back. but yore a sickness, kurwin, and i fear that one day, yore gonna infect log-a-log, and he's gonna die 'cos of you, 'cos of wot you did."

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 13

Get off yore arse an' say hi to yore new cabin mate!" the ferret sighed as he got off his hammock. he walked over into the doorway and blinked as he looked at the black rat.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 23

I know, i know--yore all angry an' need to hate somebeast! but yore lookin' at the _wrong_ beast, my friends! i'm not the one who ripped out yelhim's innards.

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{The Conquest} - Chapter 1 - Strength Amidst the Chaos

A dark chuckle arose from a dark depth as a male with long and cultivated jet black hair sat on his throne gazing a small knife. A pale hand took ahold of the hilt as he unsheathed the small blade, slowly looking at the sharpness and shininess of the...

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The Mountains Song

Poem #2 of 20 we stand tall, we hear her call, we dig our roots deep, we never sleep, we are the mountains, the mountains of yore, we've been in myths, legends and lore, we sing we pray, there will come a day, when light keeps dark at bay, oh father

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