Hyena girl (unfinished stories #2)
I decided to include the pseudo penis and extreme female dominance exhibited in hyenas. callie knocked on her friends door only for her friends boyfriend to open it, she almost rolled her eyes but put a fake smile on.
Slave of Alduin Chapter 4
Agvar moved his hands closer to he pseudo penis and grabbed it slightly, trying to get lube on his hands. the pseudo penis was moving between his hands, pressing against it, alduin moaned a bit. alduin did received pleasure just by that.
Madoa's Hypnotization
White, sticky strands shot out of her pseudo penis and coated both of their genitals. madoa screeched in pleasure and janja felt her pseudo penis twitch against his cock as she came as well.
A day in the African Wilds
Afua lowered her head while her tongue darted out and licked the tip of the long pseudo-penis, causing a slight shiver from the more muscular female."
[Commission] Chapter 6: Camping by the fire with assembled storied rogues
Feeling secure in her victory, rik walked right behind the orc, fully erect, with the veins on her pseudo penis visibly pumping blood.
Girls Only!
Meanwhile becca had started pumping her digit in and out of his slicked pucker, her other hand stroking her pseudo-cock.
Lucy slid off the mouse as her pseudo-penis slid back into her body. "oh yes, i think you're going to do just fine as my pet." lucy said as she laid out on the bed.
CH28: Nuru’s School Day Conclusion
The smaller shemale blushed, looking away as he noticed his mistress's ample pseudo-penis was standing erect.
Shenzi the Voracious
Shenzi grabbed two more and stuffed them inside her hardening pseudo-cock. one by one the meerkats were stuffed inside. pushing eachother all the way into her vagina.
No Laughing Matter
I couldn't imagine a poor male hyena trying to hit the opening of a wildly flailing pseudo-penis. retracting it into a normal opening made good for an easier copulation.
Corporal Punishment
The hyena grinned wickedly as she showed off her enlarge clit, the pseudo-penis at full mass as she eyed her prey. "shut up worm!"
[Commission] Chapter 3: Assembled story rogues camp by the fire
"_ -pseudo penis - rik corrected him. _yeah. whatever. pseudo penis. and he says "what's so pseudo about? it's a cock!" and she says "it is what it is" and he says..._ -you aren't very good at this, are you?