It's The First Day (Yet Again) - Butters I

It's an odd sensation, Butters thinks to themselves. They have never, to their recollection, held this key in their paws before. Yet there is a knowing, it goes in this door which will let them enter this house. There's no debating this, it's a truth...

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It Just GOES! - Chapter 07

It had been a week now since Xala... Well, got his new body. That's how he frames is, he can't bring himself to normalize, claiming it was a week since he was born again. It's the combination of the absolute cheese of the phrase and how incredibly apt...

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It Just GOES! - Chapter 06

-Get up lazy bones, rise and shine. Took declares, as he taps the back of his hand against the swollen pregnant belly of Galasgey. Fishing shift's about to start, you know the drill. Even from the outside, it's clear to see some bulges rise from...

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It Just GOES! - Chapter 05

These are not his fingers, not his hands, feet, toes. No they are someone else's and yet what relief it is to have these things again. Solid, structured, assured, to be so in flux. Sometimes it can be a relief to have these choices taken away from you....

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The Huntsman

Are Huntsman Humans? Aahh dear reader, you've stumbled into a particularly loaded question there. When we speak of Huntsmen, members of the HHA, Human terrorists targeting Monsters, it seems cut and dry doesn't it? Yeah they're Humans fighting for...

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Your Name Is: Skúmálfar - Chapter 05

-Oh you know I never said did I? My name that is; it's "?" like the Greek symbol, y'know "Key" or "Kai" whatever you want. I kind of like having a name that has multiple pronunciations, it's like I get to know something about someone before they've...

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The Hydra Eventualy Dies! - Chapter 03

Coleo comes down the stairs at a glacial pace, looking like an old man in an even older cartoon; night gown, hobbling in the dark, holding a pail with a candlestick on it sort of vibe. Except it's just a onesie and a smartphone. She can't explain why...

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It's The First Day (Yet Again)

It was the first day, not for him, but for the entire country. It should've been a more disorienting event, but this actually isn't the first time it's been everyone's first day. It's the World of Monsters, at least that's what the war ended up...

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The Hydra Eventualy Dies! - Chapter 02

In their headspace Alexandria paces around their corner back and forth, paws covering their face as the gravity of their assignment dawns on them. Rose places her paws on their shoulders as she massages them, trying to calm her fellow headmate down....

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Your Name Is: Skúmálfar - Chapter 04

With each morning she's starting to notice something about the morning sun, specifically how it feels when it first creeps upon her skin. It's something she hardly misses now in her Don't Sleep Era, the first excuse she comes across to start her day in...

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The Hydra Eventualy Dies! - Chapter 01

The order comes for the two Monsters, mistakenly spread out between the both of them, as if both Monsters possess the same calibre of appetite. The waitress, a western witch, places down on Chloe's side: The jam toast and the chicken tikka panini with...

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Lucky!!! - Chapter 05

_ **CW: Violence, Gore** _ The smell is indescribable, luckily for most the need to ever gain the means doesn't occur, but our Human friend here now finds himself in need of this particular vocabulary. As his vision, what's left of it, through a...

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