Scarborough Fair Universe Background Part One

Some of the background for my Scarborough Fair universe. I thought that I'd start with the Fall of the Terran Hegemony, who caused it and why. Over six hundred years ago, the Terran Hegemony was formed, and swiftly spread out across space....

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Scarborough Fair Family Reunion Teaser

Family Reunion Teaser A Scarborough Fair Story by RedFox6 (This particular part is inspired by three songs: In the Beginning and Lovely to See You by the Moody Blues, and Rose Tattoo by the Dropkick Murphys.) As the Scarborough Fair...

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Scarborough Fair Story One Chapter Six

SCARBOROUGH FAIR Story One Chapter Six by RedFox6 Endings and Beginnings Entering the ship, Leu kissed Tollel then said, "I'll be on the bridge. Come on up when you're ready." Tollel went to refresh herself in her room as he...

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Scarborough Fair Homecomings Chapter Three

**Homecomings** A Scarborough Fair Story by RedFox6 Chapter Three Confederation of Independent Star Systems Sanushsir, capitol of Deseret Present Day The trip to Deseret was strained, and tension filled the air. Leu and Tollel...

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Scarborough Fair Homecomings Chapter Two

** ** A Scarborough Fair Story by RedFox6 Chapter Two Celebrate Confederation of Independent Star Systems Tir na n'Og Space Station Present Day When the Scarborough Fair came out of hyperspace near Tir na n'Og, Tollel was so...

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Writer's Block Work in Progress

I'm having little trouble with the next chapter of Homecomings, (who'd have thought that coordinating a land air battle would be so hard,) so I thought I'd upload this. It's very much a work in progress. It's set in the Scarborough Fair universe, but...

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Scarborough Fair Homecomings Chapter Four

Homecomings A Scarborough Fair Story by RedFox6 Chapter Four Recruiting Drive Confederation of Independent Star Systems Onboard the Scarborough Fair en route to Haiphong Present Day Once the Fair had safely launched and entered hyperspace,...

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Little Girl Lost Part Two

Felix Dancer: Sanctioned Op Little Girl Lost Chapter Two Meeting the Client A Sombernoon Story byRedFox6 I was up early the next morning, getting ready for my meeting with the Countess. A quick shower, and I was ready to get...

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Scarborough Fair Homecomings Chapter One

**Homecomings** A Scarborough Fair Story by RedFox6 Chapter One Moondance. The Al ha'Rem Planet Cernia House al'Malik Shipyards outside the Capitol, Chawkerlent Onboard the Scarborough Fair. Present Day. Leu was...

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