Excerpt: Relics, Rabbits and Tuscan Reds - Roar Volume 6

This cryptic, yet pleasantly scenic excerpt is the opening to "relics, rabbits and tuscan reds" which is one of many stories featured in roar volume 6.

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Duplica's Ditto Debauchery - Volume 3: Give Me A Hand

Duplica was at a standstill. Does she walk into her bedroom and start trying to "fix" Ditto's "problem," or just hope it goes away on its own? Steven said he wouldn't let them back in until it was cured, so she should take care of it as soon as...

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Duplica's Ditto Debauchery - Volume 1: Imite House Blues

The House of Imite wasn't one of the most popular trainer stops in Kanto anymore. Ever since Unova's theme parks came around, everyone was more interested in traveling overseas to see bigger and better shows. This fact ran through Duplica's mind at...

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The Silence of Oz (Volume 1 in the Legends of Oz Saga) Prologue

Long ago on a beautiful island set in a forgotten sea, five sisters came across this lonely island, and decided to call it Oz. The land itself was forged into five kingdoms, and the five sisters took rule. Gilkina took the lands to the North and called...

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Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 6: A Working Sunday

Luke lay quietly, eyes closed, as the early morning light sneaked in around the curtains. He did not want to get up. Remembering the dream was much more interesting, and unlike the previous morning, this one was not fading so quickly. Warm sunlight....

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Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 2: Plush in the Dawn

Luke lay quietly, eyes closed, as the early morning light sneaked in around the curtains. He did not want to get up. Remembering the dream was much more interesting, but it was fading quickly. Tongues. No, just one. A very large, very soft tongue....

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Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 1: Plush in the Night

Ben woke gradually to chill darkness. The world around him had changed. When sunrise had brought sleep, he'd been on a high shelf in a brightly lit room. Below had been a pile of much smaller plush friends. Now he was at one end of a low platform...

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 11: Security Monitors

"Sybernetic Security, LLC," the boxes proclaimed in bright letters. "Makers of the Finest Security Monitors on the Planet(TM)!" Cross-legged on the living room floor, Nathan groaned at the pun and hoped the phrasing was a coincidence. He wasn't sure...

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 10: Nathan was Unfair

Luke hated breakfasts. Even late breakfasts. Eating breakfast meant he had to get up early and couldn't sleep in until the last possible second. Luke liked to sleep, especially since Ben had come into his life. And his dreams. Nathan was unfair....

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 9: A Siber Morning

Nathan woke relaxed but invigorated. "Ra ruh roo." "I love you, too," he replied, and reached out to scratch Sasha behind a furry ear. Her tail thumped the bed as she licked his face. There was something different about her. Oh, her paws. Each...

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 8: Bath and Aftermath

Nathan looked around with a smile. The tundra spread in all directions, covered with masses of tiny, brightly colored flowers growing among hair-fine grasses. Nearby was a grove of trees. Sasha barked, wagging her tail happily. Then she used her new...

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