The Standoff

"This is who attacked you?" the purple pony said to Rainbow. This one wasn't like Fluttershy or Rainbow, though. She had no wings, but instead had a horn on her head. "Yeah! I was minding my own business, checking on Fluttershy and then challenged her...

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Dashing Through the Clouds

After a couple days with Fluttershy, Flashwing has started to feel as good as new. And today, her leg was feeling much better and she was up and walking around on her own. "Fluttershy, why don't we go fly?" Flashwing said excitedly. "Oh- Um... Are...

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A New Land and a New Friend

Flashwing wakes up in a strange forest. The atmosphere is eerie and unsettling. She becomes even more uneasy when she looks up to see a very tight, gnarled and constricting canopy. Once again, she finds herself unable to fly. She seems to be, once...

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Changleing Heart: A Request

"King me!" I jerked as I looked up from the book I was writing in, Doctor Love and Saki were sitting on ether side of a board game, no doubt Doc brought it with him, but...they were not playing Checker. "Doc...this is Chess, not Checkers, we don't say...

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The Arrival (Part 2)

#2 of my little pony: the aeons of equestria scared and tired, reno moves on with sketchy intell, and an even sketchier objective. **warning** : the following twisted fanfiction contains dark material of a violent and sexual nature.

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Fantasy World Report: Equestria Enacts Universal Healthcare

Canterlot, Equestria - After months of careful planning and input from the public, Princess Celestia has signed onto a major health-care overhaul which will lower costs and increase coverage for ponies everywhere. The law, named the Health Care for...

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Changeling Heart: Returning Home

Week 3: Day 1 I brought my hooves over the railings as I watched the sea below us pass with speed that could match that or a normal Pegasus. It annoyed me that it had taken close to two days, but at last, a few more hours at most...maybe less,...

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Changeling Heart: His Home or Hers'?

It had been a few days after the attack of Canterlot from a race known as Changelings. Even then, after knowing that an attack such as that happened in the city, it did not stop me from moving close to there. There was a home a little off...

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Changeling Heart: The start of a story

"Do you understand the charges before you?" the only light in the room were that of the fire lit all around, casting large shadows, making even the smallest of things seem frightening, but...these things were pale compared to what I was about to face....

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Princess Luna - Chapter 3

Upon our arrival there, her body shaking from the effect of adrenaline, the Mare of the Cold and Silent Night tucked me into her bed and then hopped in beside me, wrapping her forelegs, hind legs, and a wing about my body, pulling me into her warmth....

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Ups and Downs (Rarity version)

I wrote this version first before moving on to the version that focuses on Fluttershy. The differences are minimal, but will be mostly different in the following chapter I awoke to the sound of a cat purring. When I opened my eyes, I found...

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Home to Stay

I awoke to the feel of Fluttershy's silky smooth mane in my face. I was up earlier than usual, which was certainly odd for me since I tend to be a late riser. I was considering going back to sleep, but soon noticed Fluttershy beginning to move in...

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