05 - Luna’s Call

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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Some marching orders are more epic than others.

"Quilliam ... Quilliam ..." The voice echoed through the fields as the purple darkness rolled in to crush out the light of day. The grasslands sprawled in every direction ... spreading into the vastness of infinity. Unreachable goals ... unattainable conquest ... unquenchable emotions laid barren within the beating heart of beasts and ponies. "Quilliam ... Quilliam ..."

Hooves beat in a constant rhythm. A single stallion rushing forward toward what was supposed to be a better tomorrow. Another day stood before him ... and then another ... and then another. A mortal plodding of never-ending delay ... struggling to hold back the fleeting nature of mortal lives until the day they fall upon the field and become sweet grass for the next generation to nibble upon as they too rush off to their untimely end.

"Quilliam ... time is fleeting, Quilliam. Forever is the curse of the sun and the moon until they too find their end. Embrace the blessings of thy fleeting days ... embrace eternity and let thy passions sing ..."

_ _ "No!" The single voice echoed and then was consumed by the endless sprawl. "NO!"

" MIDNIGHT HORNS ," the voice echoed in the volume of the Royal Canterlot ancients, " THE TIME IS NOW!!!"

"NO!" The scream burst Blue Shield from his slumber and woke the rest of his squad. Lanterns sparked to life and the power of four horns flared to life as tightly strung unicorn soldiers prepared for battle. Several tense moments ticked by as adrenaline held them aloft, eyes scanning for danger, magic at the ready, and then ... nothing.

"Everypony alright?" Shade spoke quietly as the others slowly eased the power out of their spells.

"I think ... we've just been summoned," the sergeant admitted.

"So ... Princess Luna did appear in your dreams too?" Green River asked in a shaky tone.

"It appears so," Tick nodded.

"Most unsettling," Tock agreed.

"Sergeant?" Shade asked expectantly.

"Make ready," Blue Shield told them as he rose and slipped into his uniform. "I will send word if this is the real deal."

"Aye, Sergeant," the squad spoke as one, and they turned toward their labors with the efficiency one only achieved through practice drills.

The castle was quiet and the night guards were all surprised to see the sergeant cantering through the streets at such an hour. The tower which Princess Luna had met him in the past stood oppressively before him and he took a moment to gather his courage. Another charge of hooves approached and he turned as he witnessed another pony answer the call.

"Sergeant Steel Bit."

"Sergeant Blue Shield," the lean earth pony returned the greeting, his grey coloring and matching eyes showing wary respect as he stopped short of the doors.

"Did you see her?" Blue Shield asked cryptically.

"My whole squad saw her," Steel Bit responded. Understanding passed between them and they turned their gazes skyward just in time to see, Flutter Gloom, head of the Shadow Bolts, landing at the tower's zenith. "Figures."

"Yeah," Blue Shield mumbled, as his horn glowed for a moment and he flicked open the locks that ran along the inside of the tower and then drew the doors open, "you first."

Steel Bit snorted in recognition of the joke and then took a deep breath and began his long, circular, charge up the stairs. Blue Shield lingered just long enough to shut and lock the doors behind them. Then, he too took a breath and charged upward. Around and around they went ... up and up and up until the sweat flowed freely along his flanks.

"We're getting too old for this," Steel Bit complained when Blue Flank huffed and puffed his way to the top landing.

"I don't think winged ponies feel safe along the ground," Blue Shield japed, "makes them feel all vulnerable, down at our level." The other sergeant chuckled as they finished catching their breaths. Then they pressed the door open and entered the tower side-by-side.

The chamber was already decorated in the princess's colors and the objects all around them appeared to have come straight out of a story about witches and wizards. A large round table was set at the center of the room with the large crystal sphere filling much of it. The runes stones that had been gathered by all surrounded the crystal and other strange objects had also been added to the table. A sizable telescope was tri-pod mounted on the far side of the room and several mirrors were attached to the walls.

Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn, and cauldron bubble?

_ _ "Good evening, Equines," Princess Luna spoke with the authority of her station, "come hence to yon circle and close the doors behind thee."

Oh great ... she's in mysterious sorceress mode.

_ _ Blue Shield's ears popped when the door closed and he could feel the circle's magical hum. He extended his senses, experimentally, and felt the barriers which would prevent any from eavesdropping through mortal or magical means. A collection of respectful nods passed between the gathered sergeants as each of them took position around the round table in a manner which formed a cross.

"Dark creatures hath escaped from ancient bonds to strike at our peaceful land," the princess told them. "The task falls to this circle to discover foul plans and weaken nefarious strength. The bards shall never sing of our deeds nor be recorded by the histories by scribes. Thus far thy agency has served well in whispering shadow. But now thy prowess has earned thee more. From this eve hence, thou shalt be our agents ... my agents. Chosen from amongst the loud and unwieldy ... each hearts shadowed by a darkness that draws thee to duty.

"Thy troops shall go unseen into the enemy's layer to spy and prepare the way for their fall. The power of others shall land the smiting blow but for thee ... intelligence must be gathered and strongholds need sabotage. Turn the attentions of our enemies away from the glory seekers and leave their backs to the true threat. Thy missions shall be wrought with dangers ... and not all shall survive. If any of your teams are not proper to the task ... please release them for reassignment."

Green River immediately came to mind, and the eyes of the other two sergeants also spoke of their own idiots. Idiots who might get us all killed ... idiots who play an important role in the team. Idiots which we are not fully whole without.

"Very well," the princess said with a nod when none spoke. The glow of her power surged and a stab of raw fear played through Blue Shield's senses as he recognized some of what made Nightmare Moon earn the title. The glowing lamps suddenly dimmed and the crystal sphere at the room's center flared to life and then projected faint images into the air around them.

"Three dark powers hath escaped, since the stars aligned," a great image of the moon filled the space before them and they all watched as the Mare in the Moon faded and then fell to Equestria without fanfare. Blue Shield remembered the day it had happened ... remembered the call to arms. Days of combing the Everfree Forest had stirred up many dangerous creatures and a score of soldiers had been lost ... never to be heard from again.

_We were impotent before their fury ... unable to stand up to the darkness that flooded over us ... saved only by the Elements of Harmony ... granted to civilians. _ The terror of those memories was covered by a sheet of rage that boiled up and then flowed through expertly crafted channels of discipline. The reservoir of Blue Shield's power filled with the strength of those emotions and he let the magic hum in his veins. _Stretch out your senses ... see past the illusion and listen to the truth. _ Time slowed as he took in the details and the agony of those days replayed themselves before him.

"Thine powers shall not overcome us, mortal ... calm thy rage."

The orders had come straight into his mind from the princess past the defenses he had pressed into service. Time resumed its endless march and the images before them focused on other details which had previously been unseen.

"Lunar seals held others in place," the princess continued, "but the fracturing of chains has brought them hence. Some have already resumed old schemes which shall soon surround us with dread. These dangers cannot be locked away and then forgotten. Though their keys were cast away, their danger has faded into memory ... now; we must face our rivals and deal with them."

A pained expression flowed into her features and all of the stallions present glanced at each other in recognition of her meaning.

"We have to neutralize them somehow," Blue Shield spoke first. "Either turn them into an asset or destroy their ability to make war against the rest of us."

"Precisely," Princess Luna nodded. "The power of our sister and her student broke open the shell of darkness which held us ... me." She paused as her emotions flickered briefly before recomposing herself into something less ancient. "My eyes have been opened ... before I was blind but now I can see past my own selfishness. We have grown ...I have changed ... but that darkness is still within us ... me. We cannot simply destroy the darkness ... it does not work that way. But we _can_limit its power over us ... and we shall be the scouts and saboteurs who prepare the way for the vanguards."

"Sounds like an interesting challenge," Flutter Gloom spoke with casual arrogance as she stretched her purple wings and then gave them a quick flap before retracting them.

"Interesting," Steel Bit agreed, "and likely to get us all killed."

"Why us?" Blue Shield asked and all eyed turned his way.

"Because thine hearts have tasted darkness yet retained their love of the light," Princess Luna spoke regally. The sergeants all looked to each other and then back to the princess once they had found their courage. "The three of thee shall be promoted ... Lieutenants all as thy duties shall demand increased authority. Ye shall not make thy missions known to others nor brag of thy deeds. None must know the horrors of thy learning ... less the queendom fall into chaos from fear and doubt."

"No metals of these deeds, eh?" Flutter Gloom shook her head. "The fillies won't like that."

"Then choose new soldiers, Lieutenant," Steel Bit spoke with heat in his voice. "You can do that when you're in charge."

"I know that, Lieutenant," the pegasus shot back and the two of them glared at each other.

"Save it for the enemy," Blue Shield interrupted. "We're officers now ... this rough and tumble rough horsing is for enlisted."

"Wonderful," Steel Bit snorted.

"Don't remind me," Flutter Gloom flared her nostrils and then shook out her dark purple mane.

"Very well," Princess Luna finally spoke, and then three scrolls flared into existence and floated to land on the table before each of the new captains. "Thine orders, lieutenants. The Shadow Bolts shall travel north to examine the resting place of crystalline might. The Dark Hooves and Midnight Horns shall travel to the Everfree Forest and investigate the possible disappearances of several allies. The places shall be marked. Keep thy soldiers close ... and may the light of Equestria guild thee."

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