Evil Rises- Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve "Target Acquired." By Furry Sith Lord Bear sat in a folding chair on the set of the film he was starring in. He was busy trying to memorize lines because he had a secret fear he would forget them and look like a...

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Evil Raises- Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven "Hunting and Fishing" By Furry Sith Lord A month had passed and everything seemed to be going smoothly. The tutoring that Lyon and I were doing had picked up and it seemed as if we basically had double the homework...

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Evil Rises- Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten "Family plots" By Furry Sith Lord "Well if it isn't Tyger, Lyon, and Dash... my 3 favorite students." Uncle Jon said as we entered his office. We had been sitting outside waiting to be called in as he was finishing with...

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Evil Rises- Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine "Returning" By Furry Sith Lord Tyger, Lyon, and Hooper!" Phil yelled in the living area of our dorm room. "Front and center guys!" I wondered what he wanted because we were all busy unpacking. I guessed he was going to...

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Evil Rises- Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven "Lou-Who-Who-Sers" By Furry Sith Lord "Hey, so when am I gonna see my nephews?" Mel asked as Leggo was monitoring the security cameras of the parking lot they worked security for. "Anytime you want. You know...

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Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty One "The Best of Plans" By Furry Sith Lord BH stepped out of his hut and a few seconds later Hueman joined him as they watched us. BH had an evil grin on his face as dad locked eyes with him but I was too busy...

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Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty "A Visit To Grandpa's" By Furry Sith Lord Leggo did a hard brake as he swerved and parked his car in a parking space next to his grandfather's property. Lyon and Ben were glad they had their seatbelts on as they...

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Evil Rises- Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Nineteen "Father Tries Best" By Furry Sith Lord Father pulled me as we approached Will and his team. I could smell the fear coming off him as strongly as any cologne he wore. Even Will was watching my father and stepped out...

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Paraskepite- Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen "Parasites? You have my attention... um what do I call you?" Dr. Ami said. "Detective, Detective Namer. I'm trying to solve a murder investagation where the killer may have been affected by parasites that were effecting his...

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Paraskepite- Chapter Five

Chapter Five Joseph dropped Mike back at the station before he drove off back to the Sacred Oak Nursing Home. He called to notify of his arrival and hoped to get a hold of Alice Reed but she was off until the late evening. Joseph would...

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Paraskepite- Epilog

Epilog Life returned to normal and a new topic for the media to exploit fill in now that they no longer promoted Mad Cow Disease. The parasite vaccine was quickly distributed and no one knew what it was really used for or what it was made of....

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Paraskepite- Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty Joseph arrived at the address and saw what looked like an abandoned house. He stood there watching it expecting the wind to knock it over at any minute. The boards were rotten and the paint had long since peeled off. The grass...

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