Streets of His City | Chapter 3

**T** he total darkness was still a bit of a shock, but Natier recovered much quicker than last time. The adrenaline from last time was still there, however. It pulsed through his veins, making him shiver with anticipation. Natier took the steps two...

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time is water

Time is Water By Seb The gray wolf with gold eyes that was small for her kind lifted a gloved paw from the rains of the ostrich like mount she was ridging called an emok. Keeping a firm grip on the rains with the other hand and grasped the small...

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Dark Fog

Super dark and really mysterious because i was listening to a bloodborne soundtrack which is awesome writing music.

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Chapter 1

A splitting headache is never the best thing to wake up to, especially when you couldn't remember what lead up to the pain. Then again, this was nothing new to him sadly, the familiarity from the last two months of poverty and misery. Nights of...

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For Better or for Worse Chaps. 3-4

Chap.3 I flew out from under my covers, gasping for air. Reaching for the top desk drawer, I tried to be as quiet as possible, but I knew that getting my pills was more important than letting the people in the neighboring rooms sleep. Shadows...

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Curse Part 7

Unfortunately the dead silence and sudden void of magic was a dead giveaway of the identity of our mysterious visitor.

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Curse Part 5

Or the fact that he's unintentionally helped a mysterious group of people with questionable ethics and they're now trying to kill him since he's now useless to them?" she asked, a touch of laughter colored her voice.

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Curse part 6

Which left the question, what was our mysterious group hoping to find here? something told me they weren't after grandma's cookbook. unless grandma was a sorceress and her cookbook a grimoire. hey, you never know.

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Curse Part 4

Ward's predicament and the person that had commissioned the mysterious job. "and what makes you think i would be able to help?" "you're in charge of the booking line..." "fine, you got me there.

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Pursuit and Capture

What there was, was a feeling of poison, and a violent rejection of something, but what that something _was_, was a mystery.

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Diplomacy on the Casino Floor (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Whenever Detective Clip found herself traveling to a location that was a proper touristing destination, it was always her preference to travel lightly. For this particular occasion, she'd managed to keep to a moderate backpack and an arrival during...

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A Favor for Decision (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The bakery that Bell operated carried along with a daily routine that diverged only slightly during the weekends. As much as he hated the stereotype, the place ran like clockwork. Unless Detective Clip arrived home, or was in town, or needed a place...

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