Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 32

John blinked and tried to think back to that year at summer camp when he first met the care bears. "i vaguely remember, i didn't spend much time babysitting that night, your mom and grams bear showed us a lot of what to do.


Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Something You Can Measure "Com'on mom!" Shimmering Star Bear stood with his back up against the kitchen doorframe, where height lines for him and Mira were marked upwards along with their ages, starting at 5 for both of them when they...


Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 30

It was an odd quirk for some members of the care bear family that even though they spent most of their time not wearing any clothes some, like gentle heart, didn't like to change in front of each other; when gentle heart got a look at herself in the

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 29

As she entered the delivery room where they were resting get well had to remind herself how young the two were, not even adults by some cultural standards, age was so odd in the care bear family that get well had stopped trying to make sense of it a long time


Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Baby Boom, Harmony and Loyal Heart "And her we go, it's a girl, and a husky." Get Well turned around from where she had just cleaned off Loyal Heart and Harmony's daughter, a purple and white husky puppy. Harmony Bear smiled, she...

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Never Too Late For Caring

But the moment he entered the room, his eyes opened wide when he saw the care bears and the care bear cousins waiting on him. "what's going on?" cheer bear said with a smile, "hello harold. today is your lucky day."

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Theo's Assent - Chapter 2 [Comm]

If you're really the people that inspired the care bears, can you perform any magic?"

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 7 - Sharing and Caring

the care bear repeated. "a white bird, big orange beak... just flew with the kids in a big basket, and dropped them off on your doorstep?" he still couldn't believe it.

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Finding Family Chapter 4

Thankfully, indy and take care caught on before anything too serious could happen and broke the care bears and cousins out of their cages.

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 8 - Friends Work Better Together

#25 of the twelve talismans part two of the care bear series! i love corruption of the innocent. this lemon is a long one!

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Crafty Heart's Lucky 13 Chapter 3

"i never met the care bear family, but i was with a group called the 'care bear magi' for a while before i had to run. long story i'll tell you tomorrow." crafty yawned.

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Finding Family Chapter 2

I left a note for the care bears so they know i'm out here." "sounds good. i told noble heart, i'd be back by dinner and we don't eat till nearly dark... so i've got plenty of time."

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