Moving In

The wolf was standing in a large, well- lit cavern of slick limestone.

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Uncontrollable Corruption (1/8)

But at the same time he distinctly remembered that when he had come into the cavern there was only one exit, which was the way he had come into the cavern originally.

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A cloud of dust was settling in the cavern, and he strained to see through it. a large section of the cavern wall and ceiling had collapsed. the onix they had been battling lay underneath, buried by the rubble. fear overtook him.

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A Need to Breed

Her tentacles gripped the floor of the cavern, and she began to slide forward... over his supine body.

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Invane: Snicker's Ice

A bright glow emerged surrounding the dark cavern and we disappeared from the face of the cavern.

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Letting a Hyena Lead

It was a quaint space, decorated with patterns that were carved into the cavern walls and a few interesting stones and trinkets that the hyena had found.

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Solis Part 2

My sights lefts the lava river for only a moment, turning to what was now a hug e cavern before me. gazing upon the awe-inspiring sight, it was just as i remembered. this cavern was huge!

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The Wizards Victims

As she watched the girl watched joseys own experiences within the wizards caverns, then as the images progressed josey finnaly got an answer for her unasked question of how the woman in her thirtys came to be the child in joseys womb.

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (6/10)

Even yavini's eyes widened slightly in surprise as suddenly the entire cavern suddenly looked like a fireworks display had gone off inside of the cavern.

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Tears - Under the Surface Chapter 8

Stahl, not able to understand the words, looked out over the vast cavern beyond. a set of stairs led from the chamber they were in to the floor of the cavern. "this isn't good," mea said, scanning all of the screens.

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The Taker Gets Taken - Changing of the Guard

"that should have been me in that containment unit, or at the very least down in those caverns.

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