Life of the Party

renzyl replied, causing another trill of excitement to pass through the human's body.

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Eight Days at Renzyl's: Day One

When he turned around again renzyl and chrono were also in the pool with the raptor in between him and renzyl as he faced away from the panther.

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Sweet Rewards

The mewthree asked as renzyl moved towards them. "oh, they're signing up for our various package deals as we speak." renzyl replied with a sly smirk on his muzzle.

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Achievement Unlocked

"we got to transmit this, show all the guys on our side and the losers on renzyl's faction our new trophy."

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Snakeskin - Losing Communications

renzyl reassured as his magic began to flow outward, rocks jumping back into place as he poured his energy into the repairs.

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Life of the Party - The Party Begins

Johnny nodded and watched renzyl walk over to where the frat had his kitchen and walked inside the area that had been off-limits to everyone but those at the frat, catching renzyl talking to someone in what appeared to be a snake costume or something

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Pressures of A Double Life (4/4)

"you can actually call me renzyl," renzyl replied as he leaned forward and stroked under the chin of the rubberized male.

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Life of the Party - Getting in Costume

Had renzyl really given the power to transform others like he had for the two guys in his frat?

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Ten Commands Hypnotizing

"master renzyl is going to want to see you before we get back to our little slice of paradise." "master renzyl..." chaos stated, the words rolling off his forked tongue with ease.

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There's Always A Hidden Cost

Master renzyl will be so pleased with his newest convert." newest convert? master renzyl?

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