Hypnobear Week 2022: Moonstruck

The voice came from nowhere, it was genderless, ageless, and it slammed through the human's mind like a hammer. parts of himself were gone, franky wasn't certain what, memories flung away like a giant playing with legos.

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The Job - Prolouge

The human mind can be easily amused. just the thought of explosives can excite anyone, but most choose not to consciously admit it.

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A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 14-Chyane Mountian

"simple", f answered, "human minds and memories are nothing more than programming. just before death, he will be given a serum that will pull this programming from his brain and re code it to be installed into a dragon body."

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A Fairy Tale

With each second he assaulted the human's mind, finally breaking through and with the last bit of latex that covered the human's body...he was lost. the fairy turned human sat up, panting as he looked over his newly massive form.

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Blessed Are The Meek

Soon the fact that the creatures presented in the flickering blue projection were once living, breathing animals like those that watched them faded into the deepest recess of the human mind.

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The Second Kind

It's ironic though, one makes you less of a beast with a beasts mind, and the other makes you a beast with a humans mind.

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Cephalopods, part 3

Her human mind faded away, only a few notions of her previous life remaining intact. in their place were the memories of her brief life.

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Wysteria Hysteria

Being in feral form is directly opposite of being in control of one's human  mind. if the feral mind leaks into the sane brain, then it causes madness."                 reynaud spoke up. "it happened in major way back in france a long time ago.

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Taming the Werewolf - 10

Her human mind was so weakened by the werewolf that words were too sophisticated for the beast. nothing but smells and images and sounds. "aaahhhh...maaaaaaa...nuhhhh...daaaaah..."

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The Wolf Soul - Part Seven

They sought counsel with the eeg monitor, the mysterious green, bouncing lines that offered an arcane look into the function of a true human mind. currently the ebbs and falls and rises were becoming more uniform...shallow...

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt40

._ _i shall allow the human's mind to believe its body has recovered while at the same time causing it to become aroused to the point where he will willingly breed with all three buneary, while this takes place i will be free to trick the minds of the three

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Genesis Part Four, Euquine

In the human mind demons are things from hell with untold dark powers. all of this fueled the demons power and they loved it, seeking humans out.

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