Shark Lovers 4

I echolocated i could see everything around me. "you're a dolphin again!" my mother, father and sister replaced their arms and legs with flippers a tail with flukes. i kicked my tail and i started swimming around the tank. "duchess!"

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Problem Child Part One (Echo Visual Novel Fan Fiction)

Same thing for if i can use echolocation." "c-- can you?" i can't resist asking. "nah. i know some bats can. but it's sort of like whistling, not everyone learns how. i've never been able to do it.

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The Sparks of an Ancient Light

Using her lips to create a sharp clicking sound, shelly routinely utilized a type of echolocation to navigate her surroundings. it was quite remarkable really, although shelly could still find herself in trouble if she wasn't careful.

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The Sparks of an Ancient Light

Using her lips to create a sharp clicking sound, shelly routinely utilized a type of echolocation to navigate her surroundings. it was quite remarkable really, although shelly could still find herself in trouble if she wasn't careful.

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The Sparks of an Ancient Light

Using her lips to create a sharp clicking sound, shelly routinely utilized a type of echolocation to navigate her surroundings. it was quite remarkable really, although shelly could still find herself in trouble if she wasn't careful.

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