Invane: Rear Fret

He is still within the forest ground. he cannot get too far off from the forest grid." "fine." snarled huzizu as he and haziyo fled in different directions. after a while, i found myself remaining upon the grounds.

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Invane: Pack Gathering

The forest was rather peaceful persay and ceased of conflicts. it was almost as if all the animals that lived in the forest had some sort of mutual pact with one another. what kind?

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Invane: Snicker's Ice

The animals of the forest love my voice anyway." haziyo spoke proudly, his snout was hanged towards the skies above. but no clouds were hanging out with the sun.

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Invane: Misaim Fire

The forest was full of leaves around this time of year. greeness everywhere as far as the eye could see however. with trees strong and blocking the brightening sun hanging high above us, we raced across the forest. northward perhaps to the horizon.

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The Pool Meet

"yes, and back in the woods, i knew exactly how you felt, especially about being free." i said as he leaned back against his desk, just feeling the excitement grow inside. "would you be up to heading back into the woods?

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Into the dark black forest

#2 of i've had enough halen led the horse along through the forest slowly, the fox was sleeping against his back. the forest was much darker now that they had gotten a few miles into it. the trees were immensely high and spaced out from each other.

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Kindred Spirits - Chapter Three: Grief

This forest is not kind to its night travelers, nor is the village kind to those who emerge at night from the forest." she turned, looking into the woods and gaining her bearing once more. "the village should be south of here.

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Of Wolf and Man (Part 1)

Althought he was scruffy looking, the heart stricken man loved all creatures of the forest especially the wolf, but it seemed to be too late for this poor pack of wolves.

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The Meeting

The forest was rather thick and there were dark clouds hovering over tonight but the moon still managed to light up the forest when the clouds weren't covering its beautiful glow.

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Forest Stroll - Commissioned from dog455

She walked towards the forest in curiosity. the forest's trees looked smaller from the lake and when kate walked in she looked up. the trees looked like they could touch the sky and talk with stars. inside the forest, it was cooler then inside the lake.

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Fiery Forest Chapt. 2: Planned

I looked out of my bedroom window to see the bright forest ahead of me. the forest throbbed with pulsating life. long shafts of golden sunlight drifted down, leaving the forest floor with blotches of light.

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Wren Ch 5

A so called "protector of the forest". some even called her "the goddess of the forest". although, her well known friends know her as wren the blue bird.

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