The Wolf's Ire

"You're absolutely sure it's your family's" Nate asked, his claws scritching across the ceramic plates in his hands. "I'm sure." Adala replied, still examining the picture on the laptop. "It's an older design from a century or two back, but it's...

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Lykos Redemption Ch. 4

lycanthropes are sexual creatures. more so than humans. you should not be afraid of that." said an alluring male voice. melaeneus looked over nyctimus' head--who turned in response to the voice--to look at the god.

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The Howl in the Night-Chapter 4

The Howl in the Night Chapter 4 Jacob sat on his bed and waited, his pajama pants and a t-shirt in his arms as he wait for David to finish his shower. Jacob's eyes trained on the TV playing some movie when he hears the door open up signaling that...

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Feeding Time

**_Author's Note: Hello everyone! I know, it's been a while, but I've been really busy with Finals so I didn't have the chance to do as much writing as I'd like. Now that the summer's here, I hope that the inspiration will come more so you won't have...

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The cruel path of survival. (Flexible infection homage)

_If it is fate that led me here to die, then It is I who chooses to live despite knowing my destiny._ Stuart sighed as he dug through the ruined piles of damp decaying cardboard, specs of the rotted material clinging to his torn and ruined gloves,...

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Bobby (a Wulfen Blood story)

He was the son of a line of lycanthropes that disappeared into history's mists as memory and words were forgotten.

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The Howl in the Night-Chapter 2

The Howl in the Night Chapter 2 "Did you remember to bring extra clothes?" asked Hank as the car pulled up to the school. Jacob nodded while rolling his eyes, "Yes, I did mom, now quite worrying, I'll be fine," he smiled toward his older...

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The Howl in the Night-Chapter 1

The Howl in the Night Chapter One The howl pierced threw the night air making the unfortunate hunter's heart to stop. He rapidly looks around for the source of the howl as silence fell. The sound of rustling bushes makes him to spin around and trip...

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Why Wolf?

If you are reading this, it is because you have a dream, fantasy, desire, or otherwise wish to be a wolf. The chances are very high that you do not understand why. For some reason unknown to you, the desire to have a different form sits in the...

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The Way to Start Over

The lost history of the lycanthropes. a quick flick of his wrist selected and deleted that title. "dumb idea." he muttered under his breath. there was a reason lycans sought to remain legend and myth, and for good reason.

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Wetpelts - Intro

The sound of summer rain was once a pleasure, a time of relaxation. Ryndle could once sit on the eastward porch of his estate, gazing out at the rolling thunderclouds as the distant smell of brine and petrichor drifted through the wood, to where he...

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Gold Digger: World of Lust Flashback Chap. 1

However, after a wererat betrayed iceron and killed him, the lycanthropes were freed," explained romeo rapidly, keeping one eye on britanny for any sign she wasn't actually entranced.

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