The Prince and the Gunslinger - Chapter 1

#1 of the prince and the gunslinger a western-style my little pony, friendship is magic fanwork starring braeburn. later chapters will go into darker territory and be a little more risque but this chapter itself is relatively mild.

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Changeling Heart: Lighting's Strike

I watched as the black and red Changeling Queen slowly floated down from the air as she greeted us when we entered the large throne room. Though she was far from us, maybe a short run to her, I could easily see her scar on which I attacked her. This...

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MLP: The Griffin Wars

Smoke and debris litter the landscape as well as bodies of griffons and different types of ponies. This was once the beautiful land of Equestria, home of ponies and ruled over by two royal sisters, Celestia and Luna. The sound of clanging metal...

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The Bad Seed

So begins my incursion into the fanfiction world of my little, my little pony. i hope you'll like these stories i've got planned--which hopefully in the future will be pre-edited before final posting.

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Applejack Vs Eight Star

Eight Star wasn't much of a risk taker, but when it came to food, he didn't mess around. Normally his food stores were filled to the brim, but because Trixie incinerated the shopping list and didn't tell anypony, his food storage ended up at bare floor...

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Finding Her True Love

A story of fluttershy and big mac from my little pony friendship is magic i was late finishing this due to writers block and other stuff happening to me that i wish hadnt.

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Luna's commercial break

"Umm, Princess Luna? We're just about to start the pre-filming specs on the set." "Oh! O-Of course..." The dark alicorn turned her head with a kind smile, and nodded well enough for the intern to smile back. She waited until he walked away to sigh...

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Autumn Blaze had left her village behind. After the elder tricked them all into surrendering their voices, she could no longer live happily among the kirin, their songs and laughter now silent and gone. She wandered the fringes of the land, clinging...

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Reflections and Dwindling Hope

January 7th, 1135 Fuck I hope this is legible. The pain in my fingers is getting worse, and I had to change how I hold the pen. It's been a few days and things aren't going great. It's still cloudy, the sea's choppy, and it's still cold as balls....

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On an Endless Sea

January 4th, 1135 Surprised I was able to get any sleep during the night. Guess you can sleep anywhere if you're tired enough, even a small wooden lifeboat getting tossed about a wide open ocean with a whole lotta nothing as far as I can see. Believe...

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A Letter From the Lost

January 3rd, 1135 If you're reading this and your name's not Rainbow Dash, make sure this gets to her. If you don't know who Rainbow Dash is, fuck off. Dash, I don't know how I'm gonna get this to you, but I'm okay for now. The boat back to...

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Hospitality pt.2

Vaelin sat down against a tree as his husband flew away to look for the source of the strange noise. He didn't much care what it was, as long as it didn't interrupt the nap he intended to take. His legs were quite tired after his journey, not to...

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