Graduation Day

His face was a blank slate as he returned to his seat, and marcus leaned over to punch him on the shoulder. "hey, come on man, what's with the look! we're graduating, this is a day for celebration!

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Character Profile: Wolfred

Wolfred has since achieved such dream, now slating at the top of of the top in the forest's established hierarchy, spawning numerous followers. he sees his father from time to time, but has no connection with his brother.

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1. Introduction (100 Theme Challenge)

So i've decided to start with a clean slate; starting over and writing whatever comes to mind based on the different prompts. be it poetry, fiction, editorial, essay, or even a letter like this; something will be written.why am i doing this?

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LoS Into The Shadows Ch6

The walls, ceiling and floor were neatly cut of marble, slate, and blood red crystal unlike the rest of the cave. in the middle of the room was a single pedestal of spirit gems with the two missing eggs, one red the other blue, sitting side by side.

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Epilogue to Humanity: Prologue

No our time has come, at least i got the chance to see that some of our legacy will live on, abet without us, maybe a fresh start and a clean slate is all that is needed.


Don't Even Attempt to Trick Her

I looked at the person, a growl raising from my chest and my slate grey eyes focusing and dilating on them. my legs tensed up under the table, trying to avoid seeming any more threatening then i already was. "no silver, no service.

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Train Exchange (Otherwise Untitled)

With a smooth subtly, the smuggler passed over the slate gray briefcase. an eruption of nervous laughter, and the buyer scrambled away with his prize.

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Luva's Birthday Present

You are now ember-802, and your personality shall be a blank slate for me to write upon. take your old memories and your old personality, and let them fade away.

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Working Relations

**working relations** _by bluevirage_ **l** inda perched her spectacles on her muzzle gently as she began to go over the departmental reports loaded on her portable computer known as a slate.

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Path of the Lion (Chapter 1)

Most of brea's citizenry saw the slate mountains as an impregnable barrier. king asher knew better, of course. in many ways, the mountains were indeed a barrier, but that barrier was certainly not impregnable.

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Shade's Adolescent Problems

His medium almost long black scruffy hair covered his ears and almost his eyes, which are a slate green. the fox boy and wolf girl sit on the opposite bed, staring at him, afraid to ask anything of him.

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