chapter 2

As they left the forest, a hovercraft moves over the trees, and a light shines on them, and a ladder drops from the belly of the air ship. as they watch, a familiar face climbs down and walks towards them.

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Splintered Light, Ch 2.4: Unforeseen Circumstances

That had access to air ships was the university of progressive understanding itself.

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Back at the dock, the poisoned solider and the guards we're on the air ship and started floating in the air out towards the middle of the vast sea.

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Changeling Heart: Non-Blood Family

Captain called out as me and saki, now dressed as cloud stepped off the rump onto the dock which were mostly for water ships, but could still hold the air ship easily. "nice little place huh?"

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Miss Zensha (Chapter 2)

Later his grandfather built the air ship fleet to defend it from the approaching canines. "xy?" a soft voice asks from behind him. he turns around quickly, scared he'd been caught.

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Second Chances

After being introduced to his new unit, they deployed on a three month journey to arcania on the air ship neo seeker. there were roughly 1000 people aboard, but his crew would make first contact. the weeks flew by as he got to know his unit.

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Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.9 - Lost And Found Pt.1 A Trap is Set

Amongst which was an air ship so advanced that it had taken him, uncle cid, brother, buddy, and shinra weeks to design it. ashlin had offered to help, and though he was an extremely talented mechanic, he didn't know a thing about air ships.

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The Lead Crown: Epilogue, Part 4

"the air ship, miss vinson. all sky worthy vessels should be named."

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Strange Times, Ch. 3-Passage

Just then another explosion rocks the air ship and one of the gunners shout out that they see one and starts firing at it. the other gunners look for the two remaining vessels.

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Disclaimer/Reference Guide

Lilties have also been known to be, energetic, and have some innate talent to build something out of almost nothing, as they are notable builders and inventors of many structures and inventions such as caravan carts and air-ships.

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Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.6 - Mission to Spira Pt.1

Every one left the air ship. of team x-treme, xavier was the last. before they reached the palace doors xavier grabbed "z" by the arm, and gestured to the rest to go inside.

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Breeder City S2 Ep.1

The sabre scouts jump jetted through the debris with the three security air ships in hot pursuit, the spot lights trying to keep track of the half naked armoured avengers.

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