The Chance Chronicles: episode 2

Hey everyone. I know im going to sound like a dork but when i saw that not only did people like my story but they also fav'd it... Man what a great feeling. So first of all i have to admit that it is kinda confusing and i might drop the insight into...

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The Chance Chronicles : episode 1

kay everyone this is my first subbmision... So yeah. Tell me what you think. Also I recently told my girlfriend im a furrie and she doesnt care... now how will I tell my dad... This story does contain yiff and so if you like it tell me, and if i'm...

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An individual?

So... yeah, random things... This is a test story to just to see how Sofurry story thingie works. Rory yawned and started to shake his legs. "Better get out of here..." he said softley, his red fur whisping one southeast as the hard...

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Where in the world is Carmen... I mean the darklord.

HELLO FURRIES!!! Sofurry is now open to the public, so feel free to read, since there is no sex. I have been sick for a week, god I can't wait to get back out and do stuff! I have beaten Refour again and again and...

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When will the rain stop?

Uhm, so I am really tired, I couldnt fall asleep till about seven this morning, and then I had to wake up two hours later. WARNING! No yiff, but if you are under eighteen, then please go back to your crib and watch teletubbies. We...

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Doesnt he see...

So, It's thanksgiving, and I had a TERRIBLE dream... All furry by the way, and I knew I would be thinking about it ALOT, because my granmother woke me up before it ended. So.... Warning, this story will probably come into two parts, because I...

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Satans in my corn?

You know what I really miss? SWAT KATS!!!! That show was amazing, and I really wish I could find the DVDs. I also wish that they would make it into a Adult swim series, but I know its it EXTREMLEY unlikly. My Mom and Dad are fighting... AGAIN. ...


Should vampires be so...?

WARNING! Yiffstar is eighteen plus, so if you are younger than the legal age for you to be here from whatever land you come from, then dun come here.... Then again... this story doesn't have any yiff... so... uhm... So I have been...

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A Chancey Halloween.

Warning, Yiffstar is eighteen plus. If you are younger than Eighteen and choose to read this story, Your parents will put glass in your food when you arent looking. If you are of this correct age to read this, it contains Cub Content, but,...

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The isles of love

Warning, Yiffstar is eighteen plus, if you are under eighteen, GTFO If you stay and get cought, HAHA that what you get for living with your parents. If you don't Fap to your little underage hearts content. So I went to Canton a few...

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Dealing with my past.

A few years ago, my pet General died, and I wrote a story for him... I lost it sadly. And then I lost my Mom, and I guess I have been keeping it inside for to long. Anyways it isnt cut your self Emo, but it is about me, my life, and my pain... Also to...


This isn't working.

Warning, Yiffstar is eighteen plus, if you are younger please leave the site. If you get caught, dont bitch to me. If you dont get caught, fap to your little underage content. Hellos everyone! It has been awhile but I have been busy and...

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