Jaws of desire
Tac's heart thudded hard in his chest with anticipation as he walked towards his apartment's door. He glanced down at his phone for what felt like the fiftieth time in the last ten minutes rereading the same simple message...
Retiring a bitch
this story was written by the incredibly talented [Joshiah,](https://joshiah.sofurry.com/) whohas been amazing in writing this series for me. I hope to get one more to wrap it all up, but I think this is absolutely amazing! (This title makes a bit...
Having Fun
Today I wanted to have some fun. Recently my wife has been bitching at me because I won't take time off of work to spend time with her. I have nothing against her at all. She's a nice woman and all, but in bed, she's fucking boring, both in personality...
Creature Bio: Memso Hooktail
Appearance This species is roughly 5 feet tall, And nearly 8 in length. Not including the long whip-like tail that is normally the length of the creature's body, The tail of this species always features a long hook, or barb, roughly a foot or so...
How the weeks dragon
As the doors to the lecture hall opened and students began to swarm out to their next class, one head moved against the crowd, turning from side to side. The head belonged to a coyote named Udo whose casual cargo pants and metal band tee would've left...
Impulse Buys
The tiger took one last breathe before the ball-gag slid between his muzzle, the strap tightening around this head. He took one last look into my eyes before everything dipped into pitch black as the blindfold slid around his head. He flexed his paws...
Collection 6
Jordan the rich young Bull from 'Hard Times' expands his Steer herd... RP-ed with the lusty [ boinggoat](http://beta.sofurry.com/edit/%5C) ...
Bitched Chapter 2
Chapter 2: The Beginning of Training I felt so abused and humiliated by what was happening to me. The thoughts rushing through my head were, 'Surely someone is going to wonder where I'm at?', 'My family is going to worry and try to find me.',...
A Decisive Victory
It was a cold dark and bitter night, funny considering it was May and spring was upon this part of the world. Still even though spring meant the return of warmth and lovely long days in this country it wasn't always the case this was the UK after all,...
Alpha and Bitch
Alpha had just arrived at his apartment. Work had been as dull as always and he had started to feel frisky in the middle of his shift. Due to his position at work he had to suppress his urges until he got home, and now here he was. He threw his...
Apocolyptica Rain sat upon her makeshift throne. All it consisted of was a rickety wood chair with some flowers wrapped around it. It wasn't much, but it would have to do. It was all her loyal "Subjects" could come up with. Though they...
BootCamp Ch.1: end of the First day
I stood in line, along with all the other students. I was told to stand straight and look straight. The Drill sergeant would be here soon, I was scared, they were notorious for yelling and I was notorious for hating yelling. "I heard that sergeant...