The Scandalous Adventures of a Lusty Fox- Blog 9#- Mufasa's Punishment

The Scandalous Adventures of a Lusty Fox Blog 9#: Mufasa's Punishment The chambers of the Pride Rock Palace echoed the loud roars of the mighty lion. From deep inside of it's dungeon, the very discernible sound of flesh slapping against...

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Chapter 2: The Royal College of Vulpineva

On the other hand, there were all sorts of foxes: "true foxes'' like arctic, fennec, and swift foxes; other gray foxes; zorros like chillas, culpeos, and hoary foxes. she even spotted a bat-eared fox.

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Chapter 20: Wolfsbane

Jason spotted gray foxes, swift foxes, fennec foxes, kit foxes, arctic foxes, rüppell's foxes, corsac foxes, and even zorros including hoary foxes, culpeos, chillas, pampas foxes, and sechuran foxes.

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Scarlet Necklace - Part III - Suspicions Rising

A hoary fox from the ural mountain region, he was a career spy, and an expert at running double agents.

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Scarlet Necklace - Part VII - A Date With Death

The hoary fox looked up at silver, its face frozen in a desperate rictus. silver raised his pistol to take aim between its eyes and began to apply pressure to the trigger. "no! wait!" the fox cried.

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