The double life of Tails Prower IV
The hologram halted in speech for a moment, "my name is tails junior prower. first born son of miles and sarah prower." sarah's eyes lit up at the sound of her own name. confused to who miles was.
The double life of Tails Prower I
#5 of the secret adventures of tails prower introduction: this is a sexual fan fiction story of 'miles "tails" prower the fox' set in the 'sonic the hedgehog' cartoon era. the characters involved belong to sega and archie.
Denny Fox and Miles Tails, In Tails Coming Out
Well, my name is miles tails prower. but i like being called tails." "well, nice to meet you tails. so. you got the cold shoulder. and something tells me, you were made fun of, cause you are gay." "yeah denny, what's the matter with me?"
A happy birthday indeed
Anyway, another tails x cosmo lemon, longest one so far, hope you enjoy. miles tails prower, cosmo the seedrian © sega/sonic team it was a beautiful summer day for flying.
And miles prower if you ever try to bribe me with jewelry again i will be having a conversation about it..." rouge lost her train of thought as she recalled that tails was an orphan.
Sexventure Episode Tails,Rouge & Vanilla DEMO
miles prower. a boy vanilla treated like a son, a son she wanted to do exceptionally dirty things to.
The double life of Tails Prower III
Slowly the pod would open up with white mist filling the room once again, "i hope you'll be quite proud of what i have done, mister miles tails prower. welcome back to the world, the new war general for the recently reclaimed mobotropolis!"
He noted that the tip of the... the \tail\ was white, much like the ruff of fur around his neck identical to corbyn's. soon, corbyn had a tail also, with the same white tip.
Raving Raichu, And TDTOG Presents; Tails In A Hopeful Sunday. Monday part (VIII).
miles tails prower, thought to himself, his own name, moaning from the mixture of feelings. the pain was somehow a turnon as his penis kept throbbing, tails moaning as his body began to squirt.
Welcome to the Eggman Empire
"miles prower... tails... mean... nothing..." tails moaned quietly, staring at the spirals on the screens, mind completely empty save for the thoughts the robotic voice filled his head with. "from now on, you will be identified as eg-092.
Tails and the Harem Ring
When tails finds an odd golden ring, he soon finds it controlling him... and him controlling a harem of beauties. miles "tails" prower had been visiting his girlfriend in the wolf pack nation, maria.
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 1-A
He had stopped calling himself tails; he had begun giving people his given name of miles prower ever since the incident two years ago.