A Battle for the Soul 1 - As Prologue to the Black Abyss

"what if they consorted together, these...th-these non-christians, to make a fool of me?!

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A wolf in the frat - 10 - Reaping what you sow

Afterward, when they integrated middle school, the students had gotten bored of aggressing the same group of individuals and had to move to another different clique: non-heterosexuality and non-christian beliefs were the most severe ones.

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Plankton's Journey To The Central Nervous System Of Sandy Cheeks

"call non-christian people satanists?" yet another one of sandy's audience members guessed. "drink beer and watch television all day?" a particularly fat one of sandy's audience members rather hypocritically guessed.

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And apparently all non-christians go to hell. boy am i screwed as an atheist.

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Weres were like any other non-white, non-straight, non-christian people: many people treated them like shit, especially the ones who were stuck in their canine form.

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