
Running I hit the ground running The pads of my paws scorched by friction No time to care No time to slow down I was late to begin with Now the game is merely one of catching up When I'll stop is anyone's guess There are always more trails to...

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Easier to Run (based off the Linkin Park song)

This song was originally by Linkin park, But I edited the lyrics; basing it off of a situation I'm in currently It's so much Easier to run,It's easier to run, Than face the face of those I love, It's so much easier to run, than kill the hope of...

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Sarah's First Bondage

This is part of my Preying on the Past and Two World Collides storylines. Just a little vignette that I thought of today for some humor...or something else. Appropriate for all ages...but shrekish humor. Also this was put together in about 30 min and...

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A Cheetah's Race

A blur of the rising sun, the wind rushing against his smooth yellow fur. His breaths quick with each step forward, his heart racing in time with the world. Each step becomes quicker, each step closer to his spot in the world. A moment in...

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The Night's Song : Chapter Two

Chapter 2 Birds could be heard chirping outside as warm sunlight drifted down onto my exposed shoulder. With a soft groan I sat up, wincing as I looked at my surroundings. I was back in my room. My ears perked up as I tried to remember what all had...

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Weird Ways To Start A Race

Angie & Jennifer won the Amazing Race Trial so they were the first ones to arrive at the starting point in the real race: New York City. Right now the starting line was in Battery Park. Angie (Pink Vixen) & Jennifer (Brown Collie) were sorority...

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Rising Anew -Chapter 13 continued- Learning About Your Enemy

Rising Anew -Chapter 13 continued- Learning About Your Enemy The smell of the deer's spawn had made it fairly easy to follow them. The fresh tracks told the little group of hunters that they werent far behind the herd. It had been...

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The Basement

Peter stared up at the wind chimes hanging over the porch and watched them twinkle as the summer breeze pushed them around. It was like any other summer day he could remember. It meant long walks for his father's neighbors who looked like they were...

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Yet to be Named Chapter 1: Escape

It's been almost two years now since the wolves came. They just came out of nowhere. The Elders thought they were just a small threat. They were wrong. It didn't even take them a day before they've captured the entire village. They were careless. They...

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The Woods

The night was hot and humid. There was a slight breeze, but it did little to alleviate the heat. She lay on her bed in the wagon, window open to let in what little air it could. She could hear the arguing outside. The booming loud, angry, drunk voice...

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Stories From Elton High | Chapter 1

Although this made him wonder again why he'd decided to go out running in the first place. "we just got a letter saying that anything under nine minutes would mean extra gym time this year." mark raised his eyebrows. "really? wow, that's rough."

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Hope.Hope is dangerous. I'll be honest With you now. I'm completely, utterly terrified, Of being around you. I have to throw down the Anchor, To keep my feet planted, And resist the urge to run away Because I know that If I stay to long, If...

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