Showmanship (A2B3C7)

The rest of this story, from here on out, will be serious, dark, action-packed, and gritty from here on out, until the end of the book. so hold on to your ears and tails, furballs. things are about to get crazy.

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Timeless Vacation (Book9, Chap3)

She needs to work out some seriously dark issues." james threw his hands up in the air. "they'd commit her! how do you approach a shrink and tell them you were possessed? he wouldn't help her for her memories.

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A SutomuRyuza and FrostDeathore RP - The Farm that Enslaves Chapter 1

.: sky blue = normal blue = sadness/sorrow red = pleasing for blood/ angry purple = horny yellow = sleepy/tired green = excited/extra friendly brown = dizzy/hypnotized pink = shy/ embarrassed orange = weird silver = serious dark

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 17

The creature lunged forward, slashing with its deadly claws, the amount of strength and dexterity put into the swing showing clearly that this was no sparring match, this was serious.

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Around The Fur - Chapters 3 and 4

Like, seriously dark. i saw orange and green blotched that eventually faded into black trees in a black forest under a black sky, at night. also, i saw tracers, which sort of broke the monotony, but didn't really help me out.

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