2023-09-11 Writing in 3D Excersize: Mall, Cooking Pot, Father and Son
#15 of writer's crossing writing in 3d is back on writers' crossing, and we kicked things off with a writing exercise!
Red Twilight: The Avatar Awakend chapter 1
Chapter 1 Change Seven years have passed, the world has become a new strange place. Battles once fought in shadows between hunters and demons now pour over into city streets. Monsters now walk the streets by light of day and pretend to be normal men...
Entry #1 (July 15)
When one discusses the concept of emotion and when or when not to express said emotion, they tend to use the metaphor of a bottle. Such discontent and pessimistic ideas begin to fill this bottle to keep from slipping. But alas, there is only so much...
A Fertile Mind's Failings
All writers and artists have trouble getting things started. i hope any furs get through any blocks they might be experiencing! this poem was written on 6/15/2016. written by me, fane star.
When Frustration and Mystery Embrace
#4 of poetry been having a bad streak of writer's block. i came up with this.
Fears of a Newbie Writer
I want to be a writer. no. i am a writer no matter whether i'm good or bad. just doing the act is all i need. till then i fill these pages with words and who knows, maybe someone will like them.
Recent Inactivity
#8 of a nightmare hey all, i apologize for not being around lately however i hit a massive writers block lately and that meant that i could not write.
2021-08-16 Writing in 3D Exercise
#3 of writer's crossing some strong language. the exercise involved picking a quote on offer and writing. i just went on a stream of consciousness spiel, i suppose. i dunno why. i picked the line "124 was spiteful."
The Cadet and the Writer
The biggest change to their relationship came a few years later when nog had decided to join starfleet while jake had decided to become an writer.
The Writer's Curse
The writer began to type...
Writer’s Block
It made sense now, the unaware cat had writers block and didn't know where to take the story next. that's why he was frustrated. oh, how she wished he would finish.
Ghost Writer
"so, you needed a ghost writer?" "that's right." started kenneth, handing a glass of fresh water to the kangaroo before sitting down in a black leather arm chair close to the couch. "do you have any experience?"