big mac's big problem
He then saw the apple family laughing applebloom looked but no cutiemark.
The Royal Apples - Part XIII
"i'll get it," applebloom announced, leaping out of her chair and galloping towards the main gate.
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Mac sighed at the dinner table applebloom then walked in. "what's up big bro?"
Born for Loyalty Chapter 11
"ah yes that is dear applebloom, who has come to remove your gloom. she is about and working to help you out." just then applebloom did come in with the rest of the girls.
Love is Abloom
applebloom hugged her suddenly. "thanks again!"
MLP:FiM: Chapture 1: Washing into town
He looked around for a second but could not find his family, not applejack, applebloom, or even macintosh.
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applebloom said to her friends "well now wait a min, don't you have chores?
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Said applebloom nodded and walked off "hay there strips what can ah do for ya?"
CMC's find the dark side
The two looked no sign, they then heard a voice from inside the liburry, it was applebloom. "hay girls found an open window!"
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We've yet to go over there" applebloom pointed to an area that was full of trees all three walked into the garden and meet the gardening pony, he told them were to get the holly; they thanked him and set off.
My Little Delirium - Chapter 1
She began eating her pancakes, as applebloom slowly trotted down the stairs from their shared bedroom. "good morning, applebloom. would you like some pancakes?"
sweetiebelle likes them big
applebloom said looking at her friends "how about we got out and look for more blanks and let them into our club house?" scootaloo said, sweetiebelle in the mean time was looking at applebloom's brother big mac; she bit her lower lip and smiled.