Wrestling with Change - Chapter 11
Chapter 11 - Old Dog, New Tricks For Max, the day at school had already begun. He left home early so he would have time to work-out at the gym before anybody else had arrived. It also gave him more time to admire his tail. It was still odd to...
Wrestling with Change - Chapter 10
Nothing Ventured "Nothing? What do you mean nothing!" Cameron said, getting upset. "Don't need to say anything." Before Cameron could say another word in protest Ricky moved in quickly and kissed him. This wasn't like their first time a few short...
Wrestling with Change - Chapter 7
Chapter 7 - Trick or Treat Terrance was such a fixture at the Wainwright household that it was nothing for him to walk right in the backdoor at anytime. He strolled though the kitchen offering a cursory hello to Cameron's mom as she cleaned up the...
Wrestling with Change - Chapter 9
- Action and Reaction For his part Max was a little leery of heading off to class with a tail hanging out the back of his pants but Ricky was insistent that everything would be just fine. When their group finally broke up and headed their...
Wrestling with Change - Chapter 8
Chapter 8 - Breaking News Cameron wasn't the only one though to find himself dwelling on the sensation of a possessing a firm canine cock. Ricky had awoken from a fitful night's rest with a throbbing erection. After getting off the phone with...
Wrestling with Change - Chapter 4
Chapter 4 - Point of Maximum Resistance A few blocks away another member of the team was finding it hard to concentrate on school work. Cameron sat as his desk lost in a daze as he recalled what had happened at practice and afterwards. He...
Wrestling with Change - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - Rivals "Waiting for you, Stetson. What kept you?" Cameron responded without opening his eyes. "What?" Ricky asked, stunned. He wasn't sure exactly where this was going but just like earlier at practice he wasn't about to stop it...
Wrestling with Change - Chapter 6
Pinning Down the Truth Ricky weaved his way across the gym to find Max with Jordan and Michael, a pair of freshmen. Standing next to the team captain he watched as the other two wrestlers attempted an advanced single leg takedown only to foul...
Spandex Fox
Spandex Fox By Apollo Wolf [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) Comments and suggestions are welcome. The following story is a work of complete and utter fiction. It's not real, it's not even possible...
Wrestling with Change - Chapter 5
Chapter 5 - Under Review Cameron had gone out of his way to avoid Ricky all day; he just didn't know how to tell him that he had "borrowed" his new shoes. Add to that the fact that he now had them stuck on his feet. He was ducking in and out of...
Stix and Stones
Stix and Stones The Dublin Junior College Lacrosse team had a long history of star players and winning teams. In fact the team was so popular they often out recruited many of the bigger division one teams and routinely placed those schools on their...
Wrestling with Change - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - Takedown Drills Ricky awoke with a great yawn the next morning, stretching and grunting as he swung his feet out of bed. Staggering to the bathroom, rubbing a hand through his tousled hair, he smiled as he looked in the mirror. Again...