Showertime Shenanigans

The coyote stepped into the shower, letting his head hang and ears droop as he let out a long sigh. It had been a long, stressful day at work and he was just looking forward to a warm cup of tea and a hopefully good night's sleep. As the steaming...

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Yote's New Mission- Chapter 1

I woke up early the next morning, freed myself from Natalya's grip, (she liked to sleep with both arms wrapped tightly around my midsection) and threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I splashed some cold water on my face, and made my way to the local...

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City of Heroes Pt I

The sun had set hours ago; bathing the city in darkness, save for the artificial glow from the many streetlights that dotted the urban landscape. A majority of Anejo's residents had gone to sleep hours ago, but there were a few who used the darkness...

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CICS- Modern Info (tentative)

The Commonwealth of Independent Canine States Information Sheet Also known as: The Canine Commonwealth, CICS, The Canine States Motto: In Hund vertrauen wir (In Dog we trust) Capital: St. Bernard, South Canifornia Largest City: Port Angels, South...

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A Brief History of the CICS

Port Cascadia was established in the year 1774 during the great Lupine Empire's push into the world in an attempt to bring their Imperialist rule to as many lands as possible. "He who rules the New World, rules the world entire" Great Alpha Frederick...

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Submit (Commission by Amethyst)


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Trying Out Some New Toys

"There is never a dull moment in the life of a mercenary". That was what Yote had thought when he'd first started out in the business of being a hired gun, and he'd been right for the most part. Sure, it had effectively been entirely hazard pay right...

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A Sniper's Tail

(A dur hur hur, see what i did with the title there?) Ciudad Picado, Navajo 1835 Hours It was just a matter of waiting. Natalya was good at waiting. Patience was an important skill for her-it was for any sniper. Even though her air conditioned...

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Character Data: Daniel D. Yote

COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT CANINE STATES DIRECTORATE FOR INTERNAL AND DOMESTIC SECURITY CITIZEN DATA Name: Daniel D. Yote Species: Mountain Coyote (canis latrans lestes) Ethnicity: Latranian Profession: Military contractor Age: 32 Zodiac Sign:...

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Meet the Shepsisters

**The Shepsisters** _Written by Amethyst Mare for Cigarsnscotch_ Daniel Yote - assassin D.C. Yote - flattened himself to the wall, muzzle tucked to the side and tail hair bristling. The lithe coyote bit back a snarl, all down to instinct, and...

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Dora's Big Adventure, Part 1 of ???

* * * It should have been an easy contract. Go in, kill dude and his cronies, and get out. It wasn't the highest paying gig, but times were slow in the assassination business. Sometimes there's just no one paying to kill people. Except for that...

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The Traffic Stop

[![cigarsnscotch](]( For Vincent Sonetti, a Capo in The Chicago Outfit (What you probably call 'The Mafia') his night is about to go from bad to worse as...

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