A Strange Twist of Fate

_ **A Strange Twist of Fate** _ By _ **Puma Concolor** _ Edited by a good friend _ **Dasher Cheetah** _ _ **Penance is owned by James Hardiman**...

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Saving the Lost

_ **Saving the lost..** _ _By Puma Concolor_ I was unloading a shipment if food and medical supplies to a out of the way Inuit Indian village. I had gathered much of the products from several resources, most of which had been foraged from vendors...

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A Dream Delivery

**_A story for Ysergrin_** **_By Puma and Darkstar Concolor_** I had been helping a young friend with his fledgling delivery service for a few weeks now. I was just finishing up the day with a delivery of several crates to a rather posh...

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Hot day breakdown.

_ **Hot day breakdown.** _ (A story for a friend) By Puma and Darkstar Concolor _Author's note: The characters, Ray and Tina, belong to Gray Muzzle, a renowned writer, artist, and photographer in his own rights. Many thanks for allowing me to use...

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The gift… for the giver.

It has been a while, but it is the season of giving, and here is my gift to you... Seasons greetings, my friends, what brings you out on such a cold crisp night? Coming home from Grandma's a bit late and lost on the way? It is lucky you found my...

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Miracle is an old coat: A promise made, a promise kept

This is the third and final story in the Miracle Trilogy. This is very adult and age warnings are being advised. If you are not 18, please do not proceed. Otherwise please enjoy and as always your comments are invited. I hadn't been...

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Miracle is an old coat: New friends, Old friends.

# Miracle is an old coat: New friends, Old friends. By Puma and Darkstar Nana had just entered the bar with three one gallon jugs of home made eggnog. Thomas was quick to relieve her of two and set them on the...

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Unexpected Guests by Puma & Darkstar Concolor

It was a late fall evening and the first snow of the year, if you could call it that, was standing about an inch deep on the ground here in the high country. I was returning from the stream with a bucket of water when I heard the...

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Miracle is an Old Coat… By Puma and Darkstar

"It was a good thing I happened to be on the road tonight, I haven't seen another vehicle all night," I said to the coyote setting in the cab with me as I shifted the Brownie down to low range. "Yea, I know. I've been stuck there in that...

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Christmas Run

Christmas Run By Puma and Darkstar Concolor _Well here it is, My little Christmas present to you my readers. The language it a bit harsher than normal so please forgive if you are offended. Otherwise please enjoy. Remember, feedback is...

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Stranger in the Storm

Stranger in the Storm By Puma Concolor The night was cold and it had been snowing hard for over an hour. I had taken refuge in a small cave I had often used before. It offered good shelter with a small opening as well as cracks and crevasses in...


Spirited away!

Spirited away! By Puma & Darkstar Concolor It has been many years since I was last on this road. Long ago I had given up traveling on foot. I had traded in my back pack for a horse and wagon and later a truck and trailer. I had accumulated...

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