Exposure - Chapter Three

"Hold it right there," Dox said, aiming his new studio lights at Jason. "Tilt your head down just a bit...Now to the left." "You know," Jason said, trying his best not to fidget, "I thought this was going to be easy, but...

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Exposure - Chapter Eight

"Good, now... hold it..." Jason was taking pictures of Dox, who was sitting, of course, on a white concrete bench. Clicking off several frames, he checked his work on the camera's built-in monitor, nodding to himself with satisfaction. "That's...

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A Chance of Showers - Part Five

Part Five Kip reached up and put a hand on Jake's cannonball of a shoulder. He almost expected Jake to pull away, but he stopped in his tracks and looked at him, annoyance and a little bit of insult very visible in his expressive brown eyes. "I'm...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Ten

Dagen checked his appearance in the wall mirror hanging beside his front door. He wasn't a particularly vain man, but after having appeared in public one too many times with uncombed hair and/or a raisin stuck to his tooth, he'd decided that putting a...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Nine

"What are we going to do today?" Victus asked, brightly. His tail brushed back and forth with restrained energy. If Dagen had a tail, his would have been wagging as well. He knew that tail control was high on the list of _varius_ etiquette, but the...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Eight

Virtual though they might be, the stack of file folders on Dagen's desktop was still imposing. Each folder represented one of Master Nolan's students, and contained every scrap of information the Kenzine Order had collected about that child's past...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Seven

Victus had only vague recollections about the days following the wreck which killed his parents, but he did remember that his body felt almost as battered as it did today. There was not a muscle in him that didn't groan in protest with the slightest...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Six

Back...and forth...Back...and forth... Each pull of the chains sent Victus' swing rocketing higher into the sky. The rhythmic building and release of weight as he swung made him feel almost giddy. He wondered if it would ever be possible to swing so...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Five

Alone in his room, Victus sat on his bunk and waited for the rest of the boys to finish their dinner. His fear that he would have to go to bed without his supper had become reality, but the punishment wasn't nearly as bad as he'd anticipated. True to...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Four

Hello, faithful readers! Quick note, here. If you are enjoying this series, would you do me a favor and tell your friends about it? The readership is quite a bit down from Beneath the Skin, and I'm wondering if that's just because people are unaware...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Three

Victus joined two dozen other sleepy boys who waited in line for breakfast. Out of consideration, he left a half-meter gap between himself and the boy in front of him. He'd long ago learned that the other boys didn't appreciate the way he smelled, and...

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Filling the Void - Chapter Two

I'm aiming for a once-a-week posting, with the target day being Wednesday, to spread things out between other author's postings \*cough\*...Hockey Hunk...\*cough\*... My LIfe is Super...\*cough\* I missed that target this week not because it wasn't...

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