Dragon of the Earth

Two female figures darted across the darkened fields, followed closely by a large mob. Torches and pitchforks could be seen in the darkness of the mob, which is making enough noise to wake the local wildlife and send it rushing into denser forest. The...

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Gnoll's Plight

Many stories run on happiness; saving the princess, friendship, winning a competition, these are all things that drive the plot forward, keeping us interested in what will happen next. We gain a small sense of euphoria when we reach the climactic...

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Light's Way

The paladin watched silently; only his heavy, labored breathing any indication that he was still alive. He watched as a Dragoness he had only just met tore into the flesh of Erebus the Shadow, a powerful Western Dragon known for butchering knights, as...

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Archethal Species Datasheet

Species: Archethal. Carbon based mammalian species based in the Pegasus sector of space (E-32). Average height: 5'10" Average weight: 60-130 Kg. Different Breeds: 2 Goldenfur. ...

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Walking. The world around moving past slowly but surely, the feel of cool grass and cold rock beneath feet sure in their path. Hatred, that's what flowed through his veins whenever he saw his reflection; hatred for his life, hatred for his previous...

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Reapers: God of Death

Ashes struck the ground, torches toppled from their stands and died, and a sole figure walked through the collapsing mayhem. The very walls around them seemed to lash out against the robed figure, trying to slow their progress. The figure reached the...

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Happy Place

Vere, a young Riolu who had recently been adopted by an officer Jenny, had had a rough life. His first master, a human modelling star with an ego the size of a truck, had been cruel and merciless. She'd underfed him and not given him much drink, left...

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Riolu's Torment

Winter, the coldest months of the year. Most winter stories associate christmas, snow, big clothes and bigger electricity bills with the season. Not every winter is a happy time, though. Some are a struggle to survive; barely enough finding to keep the...

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The human sighed as he locked the front door of his house for another night. Monotonous and simple his life had become; weighed down by a boring job and no friends to his name, he rarely left the house for anything other than shopping and even that was...

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The world is far from perfect; that much is certain. Sometimes things just go horribly wrong, and then there are times that things go wrong, yet so completley right. This is one of those times. An Absol, barely two months old, was wandering through the...

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New Life

It was three days after Blueberry was cured of his hypothermia, and he had taken to dawdling through the house and backyard absent-mindedly humming to himself. His cold had almost cleared up, and Sandy could walk again, so he had become bored with...

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Sandy groaned as she struggled to sit up in bed. She couldn't figure out why she felt so heavy and why it was so difficult to breathe until she remembered the events of the day before. She looked down and noticed Blueberry, still splayed out on her...

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