The Rat Mafia

The door opens hard, bouncing against the wall and closing again. Another swift kick opens it again but doesn't close. "We got him, boss!" Two rats, Tony and Ron, drag a blindfolded white tiger by his shoulders. Tony and Ron sit him in a folded chair,...

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Mist's Day with Sam

The knob turns and opens. On the other side, is a rather large dog with a bit of a belly. His name is Sam. "And here is my office." Sam steps into the office and holds the door open for his little contest winner. A white and blue dragon named Mist...

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The Rise of Clyde

"It's Red Rum Rand! Everyone, hide!" Various doors slam as the jackrabbit makes his way into the fairly peaceful town of Watering Hole. The town has crime, sure, but it's always handled by the law-abiding sheriff Leo. Unfortunately for the town, he was...

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Chapter 1

A turn of the nozzle and water came gushing out. "Ack!" yelped the jackalope, jumping into the air. Outside the bathroom, a gruff yet soothing voice came from the other room, "Are you alright in there, babe?" Brushing where his antlers hit the...

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Dog Eat Cat World

_We thought we could rule the world._ _We're cats and they're dogs._ _I didn't anticipate this is how it'd end!_ What seemed impossible had happened. Dogs and cats are at war with each other. It wasn't just your standard dog and cat breeds, but...

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Chapter 3

Katie stares into Jack's eyes. Her paws loosen on Jack's and she reaches for a cigarette. She lights it up. Jack raises his paw to his face, rubbing his eyes. "Katie, I wanted to talk about this sober." "You just told me you have a boyfriend. I need...

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(Com) Aren Meets Lou

Aren walks through the blades of grass, swatting them out of his way as he makes his way through the rainforest in Australia. "Wulf, where are you? This isn't funny!" The white tiger had been shrunk by his best friend, a dragon named Wulf. The dragon...

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Chapter 2

Jack freezes in place. Had Alex seen him and followed him inside Manny's classroom? How did he know Manny's name? Was it on the syllabus? It probably was, but it doesn't make sense as to why Alex is here and now with Manny's cock still slipping into...

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The Kissing Booth

It's the beginning of spring and love is in the air. A white tiger, Aren, stands at his kissing booth and chugs some water from his bottle. "Next in line please!" A white bunny approaches him, shyly hiding his arms behind his back and leaned forward...

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Hyena Heart Challenge

"Like this?" Aren places his paws together and forms a heart with his fingers. Wild nods and wiggles his snout in-between the white tiger's fingers. "You're such a silly hyena." Wild opens his maw, breaking the heart, and takes Aren's paws into his...

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_It's that time of year, the Year of the Dragon! Who among you will bring about a bountiful harvest?_ _What's that? No willing volunteers? Looks like we're seeking the fire's wisdom again!_ _I see...I see...! A white tiger! You! Grab him! Use force...

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Haku's Special Sauce

Aren stabs his cheesy fries with a fork and brings them to his mouth. He munches on the combination of cheddar, fry, and bacon, purring and wiggling in his seat. Another white tiger takes a seat opposite of him. A glowing necklace adorns his massive...

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