Free Samples Part III

Disclaimers and stuff: Don't read if you're not 18 yet, or at least don't tell me or your mother about it. Also, if you don't like M/M, transformation, sappy endings, or general errors, the back arrow is your friend. That being said: This was...

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Session No. 3

Disclaimer: If you aren't of legal age, and are going to protest M/M pairings, the back button is your friend. All mistakes are mine Gage belongs to me. Linkin however, belongs to...

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Free Samples Part II

Disclaimers and stuff: If you aren't legal, get out, if you don't like anything involving transformation, messy homosexual stuff, don't tell me, etc... All characters belong to me, and all errors are all my sister's fault, the jerk. Just...

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Free Samples Part I

Disclaimers: If you are underage, or have a dislike for messy Male on Male sex and transformation, hitting the back button would be the best course of action for you to take right now. Alright, now that they're gone, this is the first in a three part...

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Session No.2

Disclaimers: If you are offended by homosexual sexual material, I'm not liable for your offence. If you're underage, I will not go to court if you sue. I own all characters, situations, quality of writing, and errors. This one is shorter than the...

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Session No.1

Disclaimers and stuff: Firstly, if you aren't of legal age, I can't really stop you from reading this, but don't tell you mom about it cause I'll get in trouble, and it will become very dramatic (Actually, it probably won't be). Secondly, if you don't...

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Session No. 10

Disclaimers and stuff: Gage belongs to me, and Alek belongs to [![avatar?user=356704&character=0&clevel=2]( content\_dreams](

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Session No. 14

Commissioned by [![avatar?user=92779&character=0&clevel=2]( Foxpiper]( "Foxpiper") Gage is mine! All spelling and grammatical mishaps are mind as...

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Session No. 12

Disclaimers: Gage belongs to me, Fen belongs to [![avatar?user=66939&character=0&clevel=2]( Fenny Moonfang]( "Fenny Moonfang") Please do not...

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Session No. 13

Disclaimers and stuff: Gage is me! Crisp is [![avatar?user=311202&character=0&clevel=2]( FriskeCrisps]( "FriskeCrisps")! Don't read if you...

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A Saved Vacation

Disclaimer: Gage and all secondary characters belong to me, and Aspen belongs to [![avatar?user=70666&character=0&clevel=2]( Galen]( "Galen") If you...

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Session No. 11

Disclaimers: If you aren't 18 and if you don't like M/M sex, don't tell me. Yerkelayh belongs to :iconYerkelayh:, and Gage and secondary characters belong to me. Sessions are still closed at the moment. I appreciate any constructive feedback you...

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