All Or Nothing

It has been a pleasure working with Tim on DBB. This is no exception either, this series will carry on in a new one with new characters, allies, etc. This is the battle that decides the fate of Earth. This also takes place after the Summer Games saga...

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The Hidden Ones: Final

One more chapter to go until the new Series that takes after DBB. To answer someone's email they sent me, this was showing the other side of the coin of BBD. It may be a darker version. If it is, it was completely unintentional. I swear. _> The battle...

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The Hidden Ones: Part 2

Only two more chapters to go until the ending, and the rebirth of a new saga that takes after this series. There will be death, hate, and a final battle in one of the characters mind and spirit. The end is coming, but a rebirth is near.. Both my...


The Hidden Ones: Part 1

Next chapter, this one is the Saga Tim and I planned. There are 3 parts to this, for some obvious reasons. Anyone can use the spell names in my stories; Its from Eragon/Eldest anyhow. Tim's characters are his by copywright law (C) My characters are...

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