My Grand, Frozen Heart-FINALE

The amber floodlights of the highway were bright in the dark background. The only sound was of the humming of my car, driving to a place in mind. I know I wronged Neath, and that it was my fault. I let myself be impatient for him, for everyone. I...

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Surviving Solitude part 11

The morning sun shone over shadowed horizons, sweetening the slick, slippery fields of sown soil. Today felt like a day of change, perhaps good, or bad? Either way, there was no doubt something was of to come. Rubbing my neck, I remembered what had...

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Surviving Solitude Part 12

The flames flickered and licked at the wooden farm house, crackling a tune of warmth. Daniel, trapped upon the balcony, faced down at the mob. He withdrew his bow, which he had brung in preparation, and aimed. The few men with the remaining torches...

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Surviving Solitude part 10

Everyone had eaten and gathered in the living room, socializing or watching Marilyn read to Marvin. Liam and Nate were coming down, followed by Shane. He was wearing a pair of black shorts. Aiden was missing here, so I decided to go look for him, since...

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My Grand, Frozen Heart Part 4

Grant was kneeling down, his groin close to Neath's parted legs and groin. That was the first thing I saw when I opened the door. My jaw had dropped. I left for five minutes, give or take six, to get Neath and myself a drink. "The fuck are you doing...

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My Grand, Frozen Heart part 3

After work, I drove past the gloomy, white streets and yellow floodlights. My new friends were expecting me to arrive any time soon. Leaving the comfort of the car, I stepped out to embrace the evening's cool air. Scratching my muzzle, I looked up to...

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My Grand, Frozen Heart Part 5

I was humiliated, torn to shreds. What happened at their apartment confirmed that I can't trust people. First, my father, who destroyed my life. I felt like I had no reason, for all people wanted with me is to use me, not caring about my emotions I may...

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Surviving Solitude Part 7

[ At some military headquarters of nuclear controls, a 20 kiloton nuke was accidentally deployed to Regrove. The time deployed: 700 Time predicted to reach destination: 900 ] In the morning, Nate was gone. Where did this sexy fluff ball go? As I...

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Survivng Solitude Part 8

I was mortified with what I abruptly came to find. Not only was I weak from my grand entrance, something I planned would've been smoother, but also furious in the fact that they infiltrated my room and ruined it. Like wild bears in a kitchen. Outraged,...

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Surviving Solitude part 9

Since I woke up early, and I couldn't go back to sleep from thinking too much, I decided to write what was on my mind in a random book. Picking up _1984_, I flipped to the back, inside cover and began to write, "In the two days that have passed by,...

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Love from a mighty foe

Why do I bother trying to escape this place. Might of as well stay in this apartment, since a way out is anything but. Lately, the fog has gotten thicker, the metal more rusted, and the plaster more cracked than a old person's heel. From where I lay on...
