The Road to Midnight

The lobby of the Desert Sun Hotel and Casino is brightly lit, with earth toned walls and furniture. My natural dusty colored fur with tan and black highlights fits well. The ad that brought me here didn't say they wanted a swift fox, but I think my...

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Emotional Support Wolf

The guests started arriving at 3:00 for dinner at 4:30 at the Markin residence. His two oldest kids were there on time, Sara with her husband and John with his wife Bessy, plus their two young kids. The house felt alive in anticipation of Thanksgiving...

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More Coffee Please

**More Coffee Please** "Café Mocha, large," came the order from the female cougar behind the cash register. "Aye. Café Mocha, large," Teja called back. He quickly and nimbly filled the filter basket with coffee, tapped it in, and clicked...

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Trick or Treat Teaser – The Pharaoh's Throne

**Trick or Treat Teaser** **-** **The Pharaoh's Throne** by NightEyes DaySpring The dead leaves scattered through the parking lot crunch under my paws as I try to quietly make my way toward the darkened theme park. Even though the area seems...

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The Fluffer

**The Fluffer** ~ by NightEyes DaySpring The salty taste of the cock in his mouth told Max that the wolf he was going down on had been working up a sweat. It was pleasant enough though, and he lapped at it eagerly with gusto, taking the cock deep...

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Taboo Preview: The Rising of the Moon Over the Atlantic

I had just finished up my shift in boiler room #3 when I was flagged down by one of the ship's engineers; he was leaning against a bulkhead talking with a steward. The moment I got close to them, the steward wrinkled his nose. My senses had long since...

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Wolf Moon Over South Georgia

The curse was getting worse. I had for a long time been able to keep it from consuming me, or at least I thought I had been controlling it. As I sat there on the hill behind my house, watching the moon rise over the trees, I realized I was still...

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The Day Coyote Stole the Sun

**The Day Coyote Stole the Sun** ~ NightEyes DaySpring After Coyote had stolen fire for man, he began looking for an even greater trick to play. He devised many different schemes, but none felt quit as satisfying as stealing fire. Then one day as he...

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FANG 6 Teaser - While the Wind Shook the Barley

It was getting on toward evening when I reached the village of my birth. The train station sat a mile from town, and no one else got off at the stop. I walked down the lane with growing apprehension. It had been years since I had last come home, and...

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The Rising of the Moon Over the Atlantic

**The Rising of the Moon Over the Atlantic** by NightEyes DaySpring I had just finished up my shift in boiler room #3 when I was flagged down by one of the ship's engineers. He was leaning against a bulkhead talking with a steward. The moment I...

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Heat 12 Teaser - For the Glory of the Gods

Sanis kneels down next to me, a paw gently rubbing my side. "Do you know why I became an initiate of Bacchus?" "No." "Growing up, I always had the gnawing feeling of hunger in my belly. My family did their best to keep everyone fed, but it wasn't...

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Binding Spirits

"Boss says we're closing at 9 tonight," said Janet, as she hung up the store's phone. Sammy looked up from the magazine he'd been thumbing through and glanced at the clock on the wall. It read only 5:17. "9? Did we stop being a 24-hour store?" he...

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