Facing Demons

Toby Halstead hesitantly slid the trio of heavy books onto the counter at the front desk of the library. The gangly bat pup was so small as to almost be the same height as the...

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Dane and Noriko: Hangover Cures

_You are really dumb,_ Dane thought to himself as he hammered on the door. _She's gonna kill you. Or worse, fire you._ The door remained closed, and Dane narrowed his eyes at it, as if...

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Dane: Did Wrong

Dane absently wiped the wine glass in his hand with a rag that was mostly clean, staring at the nearly empty bar. The place died down a lot after about 8 pm; the dinner-and-drinks crowd...

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Costume Antics

COSTUME ANTICS Shel wobbled in place, feeling hot and stuffy. The chubby Irish Setter's fur was drooping with sweat. "Andy," he groaned, "can we pull apart a sec? It's hard to...

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Dane and Bertie: Creamsicles

DANE AND BERTIE: CREAMSICLES The abysmal summer heat left Dane Bennett draped over his bed, looking more like a thick, cooked noodle covered in fur than a Lontramar. His...

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RH3 Incoming

I am hard at work editing the flippin' heck out of _Rabbit Heart_ part 3. It's very near to completion, but I want to make sure I get it all as clean and polished as I can before I start posting. The massive revisions required for parts 1 and 2...


Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Prologue

PROLOGUE Father approached the great, smoldering hole in the wall of the prison, his electric blue eyes taking in every detail with the intense curiosity of a scholar studying...

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Rabbit Heart, Pt. 2 - Epilogue

Epilogue Farewells I stood with my toes digging into the sand, hot and grainy and the most terrifyingly beautiful feeling in my life. My ears had mostly stopped ringing, and I...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 2 - Ch. 16

Sixteen Flight Leon and I stood there, holding hands, looking at Agnes and wondering what to do with her. I didn't want her around me ever again. I hadn't wanted her to die,...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 2 - Ch. 15

Fifteen The Secret I reached in every direction I could to grab the ladder I'd seen as darkness roared past my ears, but all my fingers found was more air. I felt like I was...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 2 - Ch. 14

Fourteen The Search Agnes stared across at me from her stool, gauging my face. I hadn't spoken since we woke up from our little power nap after she nearly tore me in half with...

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 2 - Ch. 13

Thirteen Consequences "I am... disappointed," the Warden said, hefting his girth from side to side as we sat in a line in Agnes's lab. Five Scrofa stood outside the doorway,...

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