Devious Data (Feat. Renamon & Impmon)
Renamon was sitting on Ruki's house garden, meditating with her body sit on her bottom. She was deeply thinking on her thoughts, concentrating for the upcoming battles she would deal with Ruki as a master. The only light was coming from the house...
Butch's hot playtime
Butch was laid over the long leather seat of a bench pressing stool. He was wearing a black gym tank top, blue sporty tight shorts with a white stripe and black sneakers, all over his hyena-wolf clear brown-black furry muscle filled body. He took a...
Trainer's dreams
Calvin was drowned in his slumber, with his eyes closed over the bed. He rubbed his own abs with his muscled arms, feeling every curve of his own grey-white husky body. He was under his partner and lover Jase, a blue furred black striped tiger, hugging...
Marked Territory
Sorayasha was at his flat, getting out of his bathroom and looking at the nocturnal environment of the city through the window with his light green eyes, brushing his hazel front, dark back colored hair as he was only wearing a towel. He soon started...
La ley del ninja
Era una tarde tranquila en la Villa de la Hoja, con las nubes moviéndose en pleno cielo primaveral mientras los arboles se mecían ante los vientos alrededor de las altas paredes de vigilancia. Kiowa caminaba por las ajetreadas calles, mirando las...
Gifted love
Gifted love The sun was setting for the last day of February, where the only clear lights were the ones shining on the windows of a loft building at the outskirts of a busy city blinking its lights with the first dark. Inside the 5th floor of that...
Kiowa's lovely punishment
The night of Saturday on February was covering the sky with its dark blue mantle and stars. The cars where running up and down through the city center, gleaming their lights with the lamp poles and buildings together, under the creamy thin layer of...
Shower time at the Great Fox
The Arwing took off the ground of Dinosaur Planet, with Fox and Krystal, sit inside the cockpit. The huge noise of the engines crossed the atmosphere, reaching to outer space. Fox looked at the screens on his ships, setting some switches and pressing...
Tiger fists of love
Long time ago, there was a region known for their master brawlers on the lands of China, where the art of Kung Fu was forged under the poses of various known animals. Our story leaves us on the northern mountain territories, where the Tiger kung fu...
Ninja ambushed for Xmas
The winter started on the snowed mountain-deep ninja village of Tsukine, miles away from any known city at the mountains and where the people were preparing the coming year's celebration on the last weeks of December. The village was known of their...
Fierce Lovers (Request by CalvinWolf)
It was a cloudy winter afternoon at the sports center at the outskirts of the city. It was about 5 PM, the sun was heading to the dusk as the clouds turned orange and the wind breezed over the soccer field. The team of the city college, called the...
Rain over the leaves
The sky was getting white, as the sun came from the mountains of the west, behind the thick grey clouds. The faint grayish light slipped through the windows of the small inn for travelers, next to a trail with big green trees side to side. On one of...