Dragons Dame C-4: Ignition [M/F/M Breeding, Consensual]

Dragons Dame Chapter 4: Ignition Exposition Over the many day cycles that had passed, Iloria had been either laying in rest with Flamespitter's harem or spending her time with Nightbringer himself. Staying with both dragons merited her happiness as...

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Black Dragon Isekai: Chapter Three [Breeding, Orgy, Dub-Con]

**Pre-Story Announcements:** As promised, I have made sure to make this chapter even more lewd than the previous chapter! I hope you all enjoy! Update: You know, trying to get the font right in this website is really annoying. * * * **Black...

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Black Dragon Isekai: Chapter One [M/F, Breeding, Threesome]

**Pre-Story Announcements:** Good afternoon y'all! I hope you all are having a wonderful day and I hope final examinations went well for all of y'all in college or university! You know, I was expecting to complete this at a later date, but...

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The Draconian and The Argonians: Procreation (II)

To all of my readers: Major apologies for this great delay! A few days after I had made the posting, I was recently notified that my mother was about to OD and an ambulance was called. Things were really scary at first, but as the only son and...

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Black Dragon Isekai: Prologue [M/F, Threesome]

**Pre-Story Announcement: ** Good evening everyone! I really do hope everyone is enjoying themselves at an end to the year and a fulfilling life at the moment. Today marks the beginning of my 28th Birthday and I am happy to celebrate it doing...

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The Draconian and The Argonians: Initiation (I)

**To all of my readers: ** Thank you all so much for reading my new story! As a DM of D&D 5E, I just wanted to have some fun with providing an ease for you all to enjoy stories I like to write about for campaigns that never were. Due to this,...

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Age of Fire Isekai: Effect and Cause

**Commentary: ** This has been a long time coming for those who have enjoyed my writing of the Age of Fire series. As a writer and a person who has been dealing with the long waiting of job applications, I have used my time to produce these...

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