Crónicas de la Frontera: Prólogo

Llegaron en mitad de la noche, envueltos en la oscuridad, y nadie les vio venir. El hombre que estaba vigilando desde lo alto de una atalaya en las afueras del pueblo pudo ser, seguramente, el que más cerca estuvo de descubrir lo que se escondía en...

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Shadows Bleeding From The Light:Introduction

Our story begins long ago, before man came to this earth, in a time where Pokemon roamed the Unova region freely. Before humans came, before even the great legendaries Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem were born, an unspeakable darkness threatened this...

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Shadows Bleeding From The Light:Prologue

Tokam slowly raised his head from his mother's side. The early rays of dawn were shining through the hollow in their tree. He stood and watched his mother sleeping for a moment. The sceptile's form dwarfed his own. Tokam was a treecko, and was tiny...

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Bleeding Heart, Weeping Soul

"christie, my heart bleeds for you. christie, how my soul weeps for you. christie, there is no cure for the scars left by you..."

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Bleeding Fire: Burning Hearts

I wandered aimlessly down the flaming wreck of the lab, following large bloody pawprints, to large to be anything other than a wild cats. They led to a place where from the twisted and mangled direction of them, looked like the owner had been in a...

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Bleeding Fire: Burning Light

The next morning brought nothing but further darkness. As i regained my senses after a long nights sleep i found Kira Huddled up next to me providing a nice warmth. She didnt seem anything like the fighter i saw last night, she was too peacefull and ....

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Bleeding Fire: The Flames Wrath

What was unfolding around me was unbearable to watch i was unable to help Kira and my legs still werent working. The large beast was making his way toward Kira slowly allowing her to take in all the sights of her killer. Her spear was in the things...

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The Sun Bleeds In My Dreams

The sun bleeds in my dreams, mr. straw, slowly hemorrhaging energy out into the blackness between the stars, where, like any other kind of blood, it is consumed.

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Short Order | An Appetizer Sized Story

The dark blue pickup rumbled and lumbered down the old dirt road alongside the triple-beamed fence that surrounded the far outskirts of the homestead. The well-used tires kicked up dirt as the once-sleek 2020 model, relegated to an old farm workhorse,...

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Crimson Curse

Rain patters on his apartment window as the horned fox slept soundly in his bed, his single horn hanging off the top of his bed. Half covered under the blankets and half clothed, he lazily opened his dark green eyes.The clock on the bedside counter...

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Shadows Bleeding From The Light:Chapter Two

Tokam peered out over the top of the log. The field was empty. He turned away and sank to the forest floor, leaning against the log. He was panting heavily. Tokam looked around him, searching for anything he could use as a weapon. Eventually settling...

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Shadows Bleeding From The Light:Chapter One

Tokam opened his eyes. He groaned as he slowly lifted himself up and stood. He nearly toppled over at first. Every inch of Tokam's body felt as if it were on fire. He groaned in pain. It took all of his willpower just to stay standing. As the pain...

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